03 Jul 2024

Exploring Career Opportunities for Telkom University Graduates


Purpose of Copyright Law- Detailed Guide 

What is Copyright under Intellectual Property Rights? Copyright is a crucial aspect of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), designed to protect the original works of authors, artists, musicians, and other creators. Under the umbrella of intellectual property, copyright grants exclusive rights to creators, ensuring they have…


The Perfect Summer Vape: Lemon Watermelon Flavour 

As summer rolls in with its warm embrace, vapers often seek out flavors that capture the season’s essence. Among many options, lemon watermelon is the quintessential summer vape flavor. This combination provides a refreshing and invigorating experience and evokes the delightful sensation of biting into…


How to get ready for Umrah? 

The nature of pilgrimage possesses a deeply profound spiritual and religious importance for Muslims. Pilgrims perform it to renew their belief and to strengthen their faith. It also holds significance as an act of worship and devotion to Allah Almighty. Umrah is a spiritual journey…


About Monaco Yacht Show 2024 

The Monacco Yacht Show 2024 will be held from September 25th to 28th. It’s set to showcase luxury yachts in Port Hercules, Monaco. The event is expected to attract everyone from yacht enthusiasts and industry professionals to affluent buyers from around the world. Premier Exhibitors…

Blogging, Business

Elevating A Space With Marble Dining Tables 

Elevating a space with marble dining tables is about more than just furniture; they’re beautiful pieces of art that can make any space feel special. تعتبر الطاولات الرخامية، التي تحظى بشعبية كبيرة لدى العائلات والأصدقاء على حد سواء، لجمالها الخالد ومزاياها العملية، مثالية لخلق الذكريات.In…