30 Jun 2024

India’s favourite Pop Sensation Dhvani Bhanushali adds another feather in her cap as she features on Femina’s Fabulous 50 list with the likes of Nita Ambani and Priyanka Chopra-Jonas!! 


India’s favourite Pop Sensation Dhvani Bhanushali adds another feather in her cap as she features on Femina’s Fabulous 50 list with the likes of Nita Ambani and Priyanka Chopra-Jonas!!  

  India’s pop princess, Dhvani Bhanushali, adds another feather to her hat as she features in Femina’s Fabulous 50 list. This Special issue identifies 50 outstanding women who are unstoppable, who have made a mark in whatever they do with sheer grit and determination. These…


Car Hire in East London 

Just as you plan every aspect of your air travel, you must also plan your car hire needs. The best way to tour around the laidback city of East London is by driving around. So don’t waste your valuable time on arrival searching for car…


How Do I Transition To Natural Hair ? 

You might also suffer from weak supportive structures of the skin which suggests reduced firmness and increased cellulite growth. There’s a saying that it’s best to ‘brush your hair like it is spun gold.’ In addition to brushing gently, this also means investing in an…


Besan Ladoo Recipe | Easy Recipe 

Besan Ladoo Recipe People face issues while making Besan ladoo. We will make these Ladoos while resolving these issues if you’ll follow these tips then, you can make perfect Ladoos. Making Tagar for Besan Ladoo Recipe Take 1 cup of sugar and pour it into…


Domestic Violence Australia and spousal visas 

Domestic Violence Australia & Property Matters The issue of family violence is current governed by both the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) and the Family Law Legislation Amendment (Domestic Violence Australia and Other Measures) Act 2011 (Cth). The recent amendments effectively change the Family Law Act to provide: Greater protection from harm…