10 Jan 2025

Category: News


Massagehilfen für den Alltag 

Auf unserer Ratgeberseite finden Sie viele Massagegeräte die sich für unterwegs oder zuhause eignen. Diese Massagehelfer eigenen sich zur Linderung von Schmerzen, Abbau von Stress und Steigerung des Wohlbefindens. Worauf Sie beim Kauf dieser Massagehilfen achten sollten erfahren Sie auf unserer Ratgeberseite. Massagegeräte Ratgeber  


Budget Ruling Gives Democrats Flexibility 

A favorable ruling from the Senate parliamentarian is giving Democrats leverage in negotiations with the GOP over President Joe Biden’s massive infrastructure proposal. A RULING FROM THE Senate parliamentarian gives Democrats more flexibility as they seek to pass other key items on President Joe Biden’s…


CDC Updates Guidance for Fully Vaccinated 

Still, the agency is not recommending non-essential travel at this time due to the rising number of coronavirus cases. THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE Control and Prevention on Friday updated guidance for fully vaccinated individuals, saying they can resume travel both in the U.S. and abroad…

News, Technology

ConVox Omni-Channel Solution-Deepija Telecom 

Omni–channel contact center centralizes multiple communication platforms ConVox Omnichannel Solution enables communication across all popular channels like Voice, Chat, Video, Social Media & Email from a single user interface.Omni-channel is Suitable for Incoming & Outgoing Process, IVR Enabled Contact Centers, Customer Service Agency, BPO,KPO, Debt…


China, NASA Coordinate on Mars Even 

Sharing data on their respective missions to the Red Planet represents a major advancement in U.S.-China relations, though new tensions regarding space have emerged. CHINA ON WEDNESDAY confirmed it has traded data with NASA regarding their respective Mars missions – a major advancement in cooperation…