19 Dec 2024

Category: law


A Brief Guide of Family Mediation Brisbane 

The family mediation Brisbane is a conflict resolution system, where the parties are helped by an impartial third party called the family mediator. The idea is that the family mediator helps obtain a solution that arises from themselves, through sessions held outside the court, in…


Property and Sentimental Value 

Sentimental Value in Property Settlement In determining how the property pool is split, the Court has previously highlighted the difficult and sometimes unique circumstances where one party may have sentimental value in an asset. In one particular case, the Husband of the proceedings was given…


Common causes of truck accidents 

Truck accidents tend to be scary and hazardous because it becomes the reason for death or severe injuries. The truck doesn’t match with the passenger car because it carries up to 30,000pounds. It is the reason that is the cause of widespread collision and more…


What is a Collaborative Practice Agreement? 

What is a Collaborative Practice Agreement? In a Collaborative Practice agreement, the desires of the parties participating in the negotiations are ascertained prior to the first combined meeting with their lawyers and with each other at the time of the early stages of the joint negotiation…