08 Sep 2024

Category: Health


How to remove your cold symptoms quickly 

When cold symptoms hit, you need to dispose of them rapidly. It’s difficult to concentrate on the things you love to do when your nose feels runny and stuffy, you can’t get any break from squeezing, and your throat feels scratchy.  Perhaps you’ve heard from…


What is the best 2020 re-evaluation counseling ? 

Re-evaluation Counseling: These are independent individuals and the overall culture of the negative results we can fully intelligently start again, so is a procedure that experience do work. RC is the people listening and joints by helping others relieve negative emotions. Since no money advice…


Can Hair Transplant Strategies Work On Women 

Everyone knows that Hair Transplant Ludhiana is gaining more success with every passing day in the cosmetic field. Since hair transplant earned popularity among men, researchers started wondering whether women are good candidates for hair transplant or not. If you’re thinking about undergoing a hair…


Fractures of the Neck of the Scapular 

In most of the cases of minimally displaced scapula fractures without the involvement of the ipsilateral shoulder girdle or ipsilateral chest wall, early functional treatment shows good results. However, a highly displaced scapular fracture requires operative treatment. The inserting triceps muscle attachment at the infra…

Health, Mobile App, Software

Why Telehealth is Here to Stay? 

COVID-19 pandemic has revolutionized the face of medical practice worldwide. Although telemedicine has been known for years, it has recently changed from a “nice-to-have” to a “must-have” necessity. Telehealth is in the spotlight now, helping medical specialists connect to their patients, provide online consultation, reach an expert…