22 Dec 2024

Category: Food


Top 10 Food Preservation Methods 

Top 10 Food Preservation Methods Since ancient times, humans try to preserve food for as long as possible. For this reason, we have designed strategies that prevent the rapid deterioration of food, something that was especially important in times of scarcity.Today we have many different…

Food, Food And Drink

More Chips, Less Fat 

65% less 22% less 60% more.   If you were asked to take a wild guess and figure out what these figures exactly stand for, what would you think? Well, considering you’re reading a blog about fast food you’d definitely think in terms of ingredients/health…


balanced diet 

Balance diet means the foods having a mixture of all the essential nutrient. These essential food element are proteins, carbohydrated, fatz, mineral salt, vitamins and waters. These elements are essential for our healthiness . Fish, meat, milk, egg, etc. give us protein which maintains our…