09 Jan 2025

Category: Finance


الأدوات المالية لشركة أمانة كابيتال 

الأدوات المالية لشركة أمانة كابيتال افتح حساب حقيقي مع شريك موثوق وتداول عبر منصتي ميتاتريدر 4 و5 الرائدتين Click Here:- https://www.amanacapital.co/ar/accounts/open-real-account?utm_term=AC_1045&ib_details=AC_1045&utm_medium=Referral&utm_source=Website الفوركس والعقود مقابل الفروقات هي أدوات مالية تحمل درجة عالية من المخاطر وقد تتسبب بخسائر كبيرة. التداول في العقود مقابل الفروقات قد لا يكون…

Business, Finance

Know How to Check PMAY List 

PMAY or Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is a housing initiative, which was launched by the central government of India in 2015. This scheme aims to provide affordable housing to the low-income, middle-income groups, and economically weaker society sections by 2022. According to a report, nearly…


A Complete Guide to Proforma Invoice 

The information regarding the particulars of the goods and services provided or supplied to a client or customer is known as proforma invoice. The information of the product or service states the estimation of any commission, applicable tax, or a commercial tax and it is…


What is Bitcoin? Understanding the Hype 

Cryptographic money is computerized cash that is made and overseen using progressed encryption methods known as cryptography. Cryptographic money took the jump from being a scholastic idea to (computer-generated) reality with the production of Bitcoin in 2009.1 While Bitcoin pulled in a developing continuing in…