Law firms must integrate law firm intake forms with compliance verification solution so they do not represent clients with conflicting interests. What constitutes a conflict is defined by the industry, organization, and bar associations. Checking the conflict is the combination of process, training, and software to support the required governance.

Law firm conflict check software

Law firm conflict check software searches the legal practice management software for the following: clients, matters, disbursements, time entry, invoices, and relationship of contacts. The objective is to identify potential conflicts of interest.  For better coverage the search can be integrated with standard government external sources like public records, US treasury records and other legal research contents to provide a comprehensive check of conflicts. The goal is for the law firms to maintain high ethical standards and prevent any compliance issues for the lawyers and practice partners.

PageLightPrime law firm workflow software handles all new client onboarding and it triggers an automatic conflict check. All possible conflicts will be displayed, and the lawyer must address all the redlines. It is recommended to review every conflict flagged and add comments must be added when accepting the warnings. The conflict check report will be saved in the document management software for law firms and tagged to opportunity, client, matter and practice area. During audits, compliance managers can validate that conflict check is performed for every client and matter added to the legal case management solution.

Access to perform conflict checks and the results stored in DMS must be restricted only to a few selected users, as they will have access to the entire client database, matter details, case documents and the billing details. PageLightPrime sechavety settings have a special role which can be applied to power users performing conflict checks.  All conflict check actions and accessing the reports are logged for review.