You undoubtedly already know as a small business owner how difficult it is to handle everything on your own. The simple part is building the website. However, you must continue to promote your website while running your company. You may increase traffic to your website and draw in a more focused audience by using search engine optimization (SEO). Consider this: the majority of your potential clients are using Google to look up your product or service. Your website can disappear into the void of the internet if it doesn’t show up among the top results.
URL Opener
The URL bulk opener is a free resource that is beneficial for SEO consultants, as it allows them to open multiple URLs in one go. This tool has been highly endorsed by the most renowned SEO professionals.
How then can you boost the SEO power of your website? You don’t have to do anything by yourself, so don’t worry. To start, you might wish to review some of the best SEO advice and most recent SEO developments.
In addition, the Wix SEO centre has some excellent information.
Search Console by Google
Google offers you the free service known as Google Search Console. Any website owner who wants to take their SEO seriously should check out this essential tool. A wide range of tools, like crawl reports, the ability to submit a sitemap, and more, will be available to you once you claim ownership and will help you optimise your website.
The “Search Traffic” section is where the action is. To view the top Google searches and pages receiving the most clicks, select “Search Analytics.” That’s useful information right there, as you can concentrate on optimising those pages or create new pages to address those search terms and increase traffic once you know which keywords you’re ranking for.
The benefits
extremely simple to connect to and utilise
An intelligent method to determine what’s working or not on your site organically
Webmaster Tools for Bing
Bing provides you with a wealth of information about how consumers are finding your content, much like Google Search Console does. You can use it to analyse your sitemap activity, integrate structured data, examine backlinks, do a site health check, and more.
Even though Microsoft’s Search Engine doesn’t contribute significantly to your search traffic, it is a prominent search engine with millions of visitors, making Bing Webmaster Tools a very useful tool. As a result, it is one of the few sources for comparing your site’s crawling to Google’s field data.
You can also review your activities in Bing webmaster tools if you notice a significant shift in your Google rankings. You might only notice a change in Google’s ranking if a Google algorithm update has affected your page. However, you will see the change on Bing as well if there is a technical problem.
The benefits
For a complete view, combine technical insights with rating data.
Make the connection between changes in your site’s rating and any technical concerns.
frog screaming
Screaming Frog, a mainstay of SEO, is a potent spidering tool that imitates how Google crawls the various components of your site. Screaming Frog is tremendously helpful for benchmarking SEO audits and is frequently used to confirm problems that have been identified by other tools. for instance, problems with your canonical tags.
You can crawl up to 500 URLs on the free plan, which is a wonderful place to start.
Since the UX is very similar to a spreadsheet, lists of URLs, meta descriptions, page word counts, image locations, and other information are simple to extract.
The benefits
Even with the free plan, you can accomplish a lot.
Excellent for SEO audits, both for immediate fixes and long-term planning
Utilize to fix any technical and content concerns.
DevTools for Chrome
The toolkit offered by Chrome DevTools is quite comprehensive. Here are just a handful of the insights you can gain from single page audits:
codes returned by servers
waterfalls in web performance
report on a lighthouse
Report on web accessibility
protocol for servers
JavaScript auxiliary files
chains of SSL certificates
The list is endless.
Simply right-click inspect on any page of your website to launch Chrome DevTools and begin exploring. It is definitely worthwhile becoming familiar with this set of tools because it essentially enables you to transform the browser into an SEO tool for your website performance efforts.
The pros?
Free and simple to use right from your browser.
offers a tonne of insights, many of which involve how to fix technical issues with websites.
Internet Analytics
The platform used to study the traffic to your website is called Google Analytics. It helps you to keep track of all kinds of information about your website, including how visitors found it, how many people go to a certain page, and how long they stay on it. Understanding the traffic sources for your website will enable you to create content that is more engaging for your audience and more effective for search engine optimization.
Although Google Analytics may appear a little complicated at first, it is actually very simple to use. Learn all there is to know about using Google analytics by reading this.
Just be aware that Google’s new analytics platform, GA4, will be taking over when Universal Analytics reaches its June 2023 implementation date.
The benefits
From a single platform, you can monitor behavioural data and traffic.
complete overview of your traffic sources
Campaign tracking: paid, social, and organic
Analytics Wix
Wix Analytics offers access to a multitude of information. This information, which comes straight from your CMS and does not rely on outside data, such as bot log reports or new user page views, can give you important insights into how to improve the performance of your site.
Comparing the data from within your CMS to that from your supporting analytics tools can offer you a well-rounded picture of the activity on your site because every analytics system will have different metrics for evaluating activity.
The benefits
included into each and every Wix site built
Your data, not that of a third party, will result in more precise insights.