Looking for an experienced San Diego Fitness trainer? Look no further than Iron Orr Fitness. Our team of certified experts is ready to help you reach your fitness goals. From body recomposition and muscle gain to strength and conditioning, our trainers are here to help you get the results you want without injuries. Let’s learn more about our team!
Justin Orr, Owner/CEO: With more than 18 years’ experience in the fitness industry, Justin founded Iron Orr Fitness Personal Training to help people get to their goals without injuries. He has proven success in helping individuals reach their health and wellness objectives through personalized training programs designed specifically for each individual.
Adrian Del Villar, Body Recomp and Muscle Gain Expert: Adrian has over 10 years’ experience as a certified personal trainer and works with clients who have a range of goals from weight loss to bodybuilding. He is committed to helping his clients achieve optimal physical performance through proper nutrition plans, exercise regimens, supplementation advice, and lifestyle modifications. He believes that everyone should have the opportunity to be the best version of themselves possible!
Paul Inga, Strength & Conditioning Coach: Paul is a certified strength & conditioning coach with extensive experience in correcting posture imbalances, improving mobility/range of motion, increasing flexibility/stability, building endurance and stamina, as well as developing speed/agility. His passion is helping clients become stronger and faster while also becoming more injury resistant.
Will Dulany, Body Recomp & Muscle Gain Expert: Will understands the importance of staying healthy while achieving maximum results when it comes to training and nutrition advice – he strives to bring out the best in his clients through his customized approach. With over 5 years of training experience ranging from beginner athletes all the way up to professional athletes competing at an elite level; Will knows how to work effectively with clients of any fitness level or goal type!


At Iron Orr Fitness we understand that everyone’s needs differ depending on their fitness goals – which is why we offer personalized training programs designed specifically for each individual client regardless of age or ability level. With our team’s combined knowledge and expertise in helping people reach their goals without injuries – we guarantee success for all who work with us! So don’t wait any longer – contact us today for your free consultation! You won’t regret it!