In terms of taking out a loan from any bank, one of the first things you must consider is the interest rate. There is a tendency in your mind to assume that the bank that offers the lowest interest rate is your best option. However, you are not given the whole truth. There are also other charges or fees that you will have to pay in addition to the above. When you add these costs to your loan cost using the APR formula or the annual percentage rate, you can get the loan’s actual cost.

How to calculate APR for personal loans?

The amount of APR includes penalty, pre-closure fee, processing fee, the nominal interest rate, and other applicable charges. An APR formula combines all the charges you will have to pay for your loan. The interest fees you pay are added to any other charges you may incur from the lender. Several fees, such as processing fees, and insurance costs, are included in the charges.

In some cases, the APR is a percentage of the loan amount; it may be equal to or greater than the interest rate charged. There are several ways in which a lending institution can display your APR in percentage form. A percentage like this represents the loan’s actual cost or the interest rate on the personal loan for one year.

Importance of APR for Personal Loans

An APR is good for comparing the costs of personal loans. There is more to the loan than the interest rate or monthly payment. The interest rate of a personal loan will never change over the loan term, and your monthly payments will be equal. Interest rates are determined by your credit score, credit history, and debt-to-income ratio, among other factors. A personal loan may require an upfront origination fee of between 1% and 10%. Several factors are considered by lenders when calculating fees, such as the loan amount, credit score, and income.

Why does it matter to calculate the APR when applying for a personal loan?

When considering applying for a low-interest personal loan without CIBIL, it is essential to look for an APR. Undoubtedly, the banks with the lowest rates will be the most attractive to you. It would be best if you understood all the charges banks imposed on their loans to make an informed decision. APR refers to the annual percentage rate for loans with a fixed interest rate, such as a personal loan with a fixed amount of interest. There is a problem with the floating interest rate when using this method.

What can you do to reduce the interest rate on your current loan?

  • Maintain a timely payment schedule for your credit card bills. Make sure you don’t miss your EMI and credit card dues as there are some charges on EMI overdue such as Bajaj Finserv EMI overdue charges if you have taken a loan from Bajaj Finserv. You can get more information about it by calling Bajaj finance helpline number. A lower interest rate would be available if you transferred the remainder of your loan to another bank. However, it would be best to always calculate your APR before doing this.
  • A bank may be able to reduce the annual percentage rate if you are willing to pay the installments promptly. Even though some financial institutions provide instant loans for low CIBIL scores or personal loans without CIBIL, they provide higher rates of interest.
  • There is a possibility that you can take out another loan from another bank at a lower APR. The amount you receive will allow you to repay your current loan in full.

Why is APR beneficial?

  • You will have to pay cost for an instant loan for low CIBIL score. There is no doubt that APR is a powerful tool that clarifies the loan’s actual cost.
  • With the help of the annual percentage rate, you can decide who the cheapest loan provider is.
  • It is a standard way of calculating every bank charge.


It is up to you to figure out what is the APR Formula. Sadly, most financial institutions do not ensure that their customers know how to calculate APR for a particular loan amount. It wasn’t so long ago that people like you weren’t even aware of what the APR meant to them. However, you are now a responsible and educated borrower due to increased awareness; you must always calculate the annual percentage rate and encourage others to do the same.