This article was originally published on Your Team In India as “Best Flutter Libraries, Tools, Packages & Plugins for Seamless App Development“
Summary: The mobile app community and app development business owners appreciate open-source platforms for making software development convenient. The Google-incepted Flutter framework is one of the best mobile app platforms for cross-platform development. This blog highlights the top flutter libraries, packages, and plugins that would help you understand this SDK better!
The mobile app community has embraced the Google-created Flutter UI framework for its cross-platform app development compatibility and open-source libraries and plugins. This framework assists developers, and renowned website development companies create apps with a single codebase.
Flutter has a thriving community of experienced software developers that put in the best of their work to take this platform to new heights. This framework having a record time of 120FPS, is an excellent example of how reliable this platform is.
Due to several flutter libraries and tools, this framework helps reduce development time while extending the language’s efficiency. Also, a few features, such as image caching and HTTP calls, help save quality time for mobile app developers and business owners.
Top 9 Flutter Libraries in 2023
1. Fl_chart
For the flutter development framework, if we talk about graphics, there isn’t anything official yet. Due to this, fl_chart is an excellent library that supports pie charts, bar charts, etc. This also provides excellent customized charts packages to develop robust apps with graphics, analytics, and much more.
2. Url_launcher
In addition to all the Flutter packages, url_launcher helps launch URLs for iOS and Android operating systems. This package works through a pre-defined schema and is suitable for HTTP, email, and SMS schemas.
3. GetIt
It is among the important Flutter development packages that can be utilized in architecting your apps for improved performance. It’s a primary Service Locator for Dart that Splat heavily influenced. GetIt is used by many well-known Flutter applications.
Common Use:
- To gain access to service objects such as REST API clients and databases.
- Flutter Views provide access to Views/AppModels/Managers/BLoCs.
4. Rxdart
It is a ReactiveX-based structured programming library. Google Dart has created an innovative pre-built API to give an alternative API for adding RxDart features.
5. Package info
This library acts as a bridge between iOS and Android to retrieve program version information.
An example of the usage of package info is:
import ‘package:package_info/package_info.dart’;
PackageInfo packageInfo = await PackageInfo.fromPlatform();
String appName = packageInfo.appName;
String packageName = packageInfo.packageName;
String version = packageInfo.version;
String buildNumber = packageInfo.buildNumber;
6. Cached network image
CachedNetworkImage is employed to deliver pictures from the web and cache them. It may also be used in conjunction with placeholder and error widgets.
How should it be used?
This Flutter development package can be accessed directly or indirectly via the ImageProvider.
7. Flushbar
Using Flushbar, you can easily create errors, short information, and warning messages to remind users and assist them through specific activities.
8. Dio
Dio is a well-known and sophisticated Dart HTTP client that includes FormData, file loading, timeout, interceptors, and other features.
9. SQLite
There is no abstraction built in Flutter for the proper usage of SQLite Database; however, using the SQFlite plugin, it is possible to access the SQLite database from Android and iOS. Plugins like this are highly recommended by the Flutter team.
There are several flutter development libraries and tools available, but these are the top 9 libraries, which are tried and tested by our Flutter developers.
Moving on to the next section, we have defined some of the best flutter development tools for your reference;