79%(1) of marketers believe that ad campaigns are really beneficial for their businesses. Wondering what exactly is going wrong with your campaigns?

Before coming to that, let’s briefly see why ad campaigns are important! Apart from the usual benefits of advertising campaigns like generating leads they also help with brand building, standing out from the competition, educating audiences, and even understanding market trends.  However to make your ad campaigns effective consider the following tips.

Tips to Improve your Ad Campaigns

1. Master the art of Targeting

Master the art of Targeting - CT

An otherwise successful advertising campaign may fail due to improper audience targeting. But how do you identify your target audience?  Begin with examining the people who have already purchased your goods or services. You can gather their information from social media or by conducting customer surveys.

Further, conduct some in-depth research on industry trends as well as the current market situation. In addition, it’s important to examine competitors and find whom they target. Lastly, resorting to Google Analytics is always a good idea as it provides a wealth of information about the people who visit your website.

After having all the information, create personas that include customers’ pain points, interests, purchasing behavior and motivations. In order to get the best outcomes of paid marketing, personas need to be refined and optimized regularly.

2. Consider your Audience at every step

Consider your Audience - CT

Once you know who your target audience is, your ad content should be created in line with that. Do they interact more effectively when the copy has interesting indirect references or when it mentions the problem head-on? What are the words that they might use to search for products/ services you offer? Where are they in their buying journey- awareness, consideration or decision stage?

All of these factors will help you create messaging that resonates with your potential clients and boost the success rate of your marketing campaign.


3. Go for Multi-Channel Ad Campaigns

Go for Multi-Channel Ad Campaigns - CT

There are several reasons why you should go multi-channel. First, it takes around 5-7 impressions (2) to establish a brand recall. Next, you can reach a broader spectrum of audience. And most importantly, with every channel comes a new set of data. To name a few touchpoints, you can run your ads on Google, Bing, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Quora.

Some important things to keep in mind for PPC Marketing are identifying which all platforms are used the most by your target audience, adjusting the creatives’ dimensions and sometimes even messaging for different platforms and choosing key performance indicators (KPIs) to keep a track of the campaign performance.

4. Test Several Ad Variations

Test Several Ad Variations - CT

It is always advisable to run two or more versions of ads within an ad group. You can do this by making adjustments to the headlines, description texts, banner images, and ad content. Once you have all the essential data for each version, you’re able to zero in on the variant that performs the best- one that lowers your CPC and increases conversion.




5. Create a Landing page that Converts

Create a Landing page that Converts - CT

Landing page experience is an important factor contributing to the success of any digital advertising campaign. However, it is often overlooked! Your landing page should be put up like a carefully thought-out funnel that aims at increasing conversions. To raise the overall quality score of your ad, make sure that your landing page, ad copy, and keywords are in sync with each other.

A few aspects that you should remember while designing a landing page are that it should have testimonials, good quality images, limited scrolling length, a clear headline and call to action, limited form fields and yes, a really good offer!

6. Take Tracking Very Seriously

Take Tracking Very Seriously - CT

Measuring the impact of an advertising campaign is crucial if you want to use your budget effectively. The ideal way to do this is to keep a close eye on the relevant KPIs like Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), Cost per Conversion (CPC), Conversion Rate (CVR), Click through Rate (CTR), Cost per Click (CPC) and Impressions.

Keeping a close track will also help you optimize your campaign better in terms of keywords, content, channel attribution, targeting etc. All of this in real-time!



Remember, consistency remains the key when it comes to effective advertising campaigns- consistency while designing the ads (colors, logos, and font styles) and consistency in running them. What comes next after consistency is patience. No advertising strategy will give you overnight results. It takes quite some time for your potential customers to start identifying themselves with your goods/ services and why you are the good pick for them.

So, the next time your Google Ad campaigns or ad campaigns on social media don’t perform well and you end up asking yourself “do campaign ads work”, just remember that 80% (3) of businesses allocate money in their budgets for paid marketing, including all the market leaders.

Hiring a competent digital marketing agency to avoid wasting your marketing budget is always a good idea! So, if you’re looking for PPC Services in IndiaChannel Technologies can help you with designing and executing highly optimized campaigns to maximize your ROI.

Contact us today!