Having healthy cells is not always an easy task in the modern world. Regularly “tuning-up” our cells is not only feasible but also required to slow aging and reduce the risk of cell dysfunction. After all, we are only as healthy as our cells.
Invisible cell dysfunction that is not addressed early on can lead to disease. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve this? Using Low-Frequency PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic fields), fine-tuning can be done in minutes daily. Let’s find out what PEMF therapy is.
What is PEMF Therapy?
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy is abbreviated as PEMF Healing Therapy. Some PEMF devices, unlike other electrotherapy devices, use low-frequency, pulsating electromagnetic fields. It’s like treating your cells like batteries with resonant pulsed PEMF therapy. It is common for cells to gradually lose energy. Your body and mind may feel tired in the afternoon and depleted by the end of the day. This is where PEMF technology can assist. PEMF therapy boosts your natural energy and encourages your body to work more efficiently. Generally known as “low-field magnetic stimulation,” it uses electromagnetic fields to treat cellular dysfunction.
What is the Belief Behind PEMF Treatment?
PEMF is based on the guiding principle that using safe, natural electromagnetic fields that are complementary to normal bodily functions will produce a wide range of positive therapeutic effects.
The first thing to realize is that electromagnetic energy is already present in the human body. This is why we can use EKGs and EEGs to record heart and brain activity, respectively.
Over the last few decades, scientists have paid increasing attention to mitochondria, the energy-producing parts of our cells. The abundance and strength of our mitochondria provide us with more energy for productive activity and may help us live longer lives. As a result, scientists hypothesized that charging the mitochondria (dubbed the “powerhouse of the cell”) would have numerous potential benefits, and they were correct. Low Pulsed PEMF therapy using finely tuned PEMF can do just that.
The FDA approved several PEMF devices for use in the United States in 2007 for the treatment of conditions such as bone healing, wound care, post-operative knee pain and swelling, migraine headaches with aura, and clinical depression. The benefits of PEMF have been known for a long time, but not by the public.
The Mechanism of Action of PEMF Therapy
Magnetic energy is delivered into the body via pulsed PEMF therapy. By interacting with your body’s tissues all the way down to the cellular level and your natural magnetic field, these energy waves enhance healing. Additionally, magnetic fields aid in the increase of electrolytes and ions and increase ATP production. This affects both electrical changes at the cellular level and improves cellular metabolism. It also aids in the relief of chronic pain by collaborating with your body’s recovery processes. Moreover, it is completely safe and risk-free.
The human body requires electricity to transmit signals throughout the body and to the brain. A PEMF treatment can realign the electricity in your cells effectively. In a stimulated cell, positive charges enter through an open ION channel. When the inside of this cell becomes positively charged, other electrical currents are triggered, resulting in pulses. This has the potential to improve movement, healing, and cellular signaling. Electrical current disruptions can result in cell dysfunction or illness. Pulsed PEMF therapy helps restore the electrical current.
Conclusion: Learn more about pulsed PEMF therapy at PEMF Planet if you want to improve your health and reduce pain and discomfort.