Sow the good seeds and you will reap the benefit of those good seeds. Have you ever heard this before? You might have because this is so true and holds goodness even these days!

Willing to bring better plans and strategies to the table, people are always willing to be transparent with things that are new and exciting. One such experimental model has given us hands-on this one:

In your cause-related marketing campaign, always go side by side and make sure things are working out well for the mutual combination.

Talking about this concept in cause-related marketing terms, Cause-related marketing as per its definition is more about having a mutually beneficial collaboration between a corporation and a non-profit designed to promote the former’s sales and the latter’s cause, in the words of Candid Learning.

Cause-related Marketing in the previous years!

The Statue of liberty was the first entity to be roped in for making sure the cause-related marketing works. The partnership worked on this model wherein the American Express campaign offered additional company donations to a fund for restoring the Statue of Liberty.

This campaign was based on how many times during the period of 1983, the AmEx card was swiped.

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Benefits of Cause-Related Marketing:

The sheer benefit is to make sure both parties are benefitted. Willing to bring in even better cases, one can always revolve more around the benefits of this cause-related marketing campaign.

We can always have various ways to make sure things are working out right. But if we are willing to get things done in an amazing way, we would be able to get things done beautifully with just a little more effort.

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Few examples of cause-related marketing:

  • Starbucks’ Fuel our Democracy

With an initiative to make sure every individual is getting the right to vote, Starbucks started this initiative. The coffee giant made sure that its employees can work with it on an amazing note. The amazing note was all about making sure the employees have better ways and even better resources to have things. 

This necessity is also to make sure the people are having amazing ways to register and vote on or before Election Day.

The best part about this was managers and employees were talking making sure everyone is able to vote. Ain’t this an amazing and helpful thing to count upon?

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  • NFL’s “My Cause, My Cleats”

Under this initiative, the NFL, team franchises, and individual players come together to support the cause. The player selects a non-profit organization. The cause and concern are raised by the player altogether.

The support chosen by the players is helped by the Custom-designed footwear raising awareness.

This beautiful agenda (on an extreme note) is covered by the emotional notes and stories shared by the people.

Cause-Based Marketing Statistics

  • Pepsi and “One World Together at Home”

The bigger cause is to bring in even better ways of helping people to stay in and help in stopping the spread of the virus.

This collaboration was more about bringing many known performers on the stage. With a view to bringing all singers like streaming and broadcast specials featuring big-name performers.

These famous names are Jennifer Lopez, Stephen Colbert, and Beyonce. The World Health Organisation and front-line workers were those in the center to be supported by this cause.

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  • FDA and “The Real Cost” Campaign

The Real Cost campaign is one of the awards winning initiatives of the U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA). This was an unknown time when the government also jumped into the marketing landscape. And especially for this cause-related marketing scene!

The agenda of this campaign: target the young audiences who may be starting or continuing to use tobacco products. The only real result of this cause-related marketing campaign was to obtain a helpful and healthy country where teenagers are safe from tobacco products.

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Few Difficult to believe Cause Related Marketing Campaigns!

  • T-Shirts From the Starbucks Black Partner Network

With the widespread notion of police misconduct and partiality among people, things were a bit weird for many. The notion came into the air that employees at Starbucks were asked not to wear apparel and pins supporting the cause: Black Lives matter.

But with this weird notion, the coffee giant reversed the staff by mentioning they are planning to provide black tea to the employees to support the cause.

The weird situation made it difficult for the people to believe in the new cause and hence this campaign could not do much good to the people.

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  • Pepsi’s “Live for Now” Campaign

The brand was not able to bring up the concept properly and clearly. The initial mindset was more to make sure the people are getting the message of living life now easily.

But the drink brand was not able to clarify its message and people took it wrong. The whole agenda came out to be: how with one soft drink could the whole nation’s unrest be brought to an end?

Possible loopholes for the cause-related marketing campaigns!

Planning for any campaign is crucial. We need to make sure the message of the campaign is crisp, clear, and well-tested!

Because if we are unable to pass the message clearly, the whole message of the campaign drops down!

And nobody wants their campaign to end up in failure.

People do care about stuff!


With all the different aspects of cause-related marketing, how about making sure we are relying on those, which are the best ones to hold onto?

No doubt, it might take some effort towards hit and try and at times, things will be difficult to manage as well. But when we are out on a mission to bring the best efforts in the alignment, how about making sure we are bringing in the best and nothing else?

Are you willing to have some or more counseling when it comes to cause-related marketing campaigns? Do you need some help to start as a naïve? We at i4 Acmmos Media (Social Media Marketing Services UK provider) believe in growing together!

Let us connect for cause-related marketing counseling and more!