It’s a good idea to replace the feet on your kitchen sink rack once in a while. The replacement feet are very tight and may require some force to snap onto the sink rack. If this is the case, you may want to buy pliers to help you remove the old feet. To make the replacement feet easier to install, soak them in warm water. Room Starters kitchen sink rack feet work well with Kohler black kitchen sink ranks and come in 20-count bulk packs.
Need to take a few measurements
If your kitchen sink has feet that are no longer in good shape, consider a stainless steel kitchen sink rack. It comes with six clear rubber feet for extra protection. The feet are pop-on, which makes them easy to clean and replace. It is important to take a few measurements before purchasing a new kitchen sink rack. This will ensure that the feet will fit securely. You can also clean the sink rack with these feet once a year if necessary.
Buy from desertcart
If you want to purchase the product online, desertcart is your best option. They ship to more than 164 countries and offer free shipping worldwide. In addition to free shipping, desertcart also offers fast delivery without any hassle. And because they ship internationally, you won’t have to worry about paying duties or customs fees. It’s also easy to return the product if you’re unhappy with it. When you purchase your kitchen sink rack feet from desertcart, you can feel confident that it is 100% legit.
Features of kitchen sink rack feet
Kitchen sink rack feet are made of high-quality pvc material. They have extendable rubber feet that are non-slip, which protects your sink and countertop from scratches. They are designed to work with most storage organizers, and their non-slip PVC grips help them stay on the counter without slipping. They also protect delicate dishes and other dishes from scuffing. These feet are also a great way to protect your sink from damage.