A person searching for a brand on Google

If you’ve been working on your business’s digital marketing strategy for some time now, you must’ve heard of search engine optimization (SEO). SEO has numerous benefits for businesses in the marketplace, and if you implement them correctly, it can offer you guaranteed rankings on SERPs.

If you’ve already explored all SEO basics, you must have seen how it works. But there’s no denying that implementing SEO as a part of your marketing strategy is a complex task. It takes endless effort on your part, and can be time-consuming. While doing your research, did you think for a second, “Is this all worth it?” Well, you can rest assured that it’ll be worth all the hassle.

Let’s look at how SEO can help your business grow and drive traffic.

1. SEO Is The Main Source Of Lead Generation

Inbound marketing is one of the most successful strategies that help keep your business at the top. It’s most effective for non-profit organizations, Business to Customer (B2C), and Business to Business (B2B).

Search engines are the main source that grows website traffic for any business. So, if the content on your website is search engine optimized, that means a guaranteed ranking.

However, if your SEO approach is not generating new leads for your business, you need to revisit and revise your digital marketing strategy. This is important to ensure that your brand is reaching the targeted audience.

2. SEO Boosts The Credibility Of Your Business

Sites that spend a long time on the first page of any search engine are usually considered top-quality. They’re not only trusted by the customers, but search engines also recognize them as trustworthy.

It gives potential customers the idea that you’re one of the top industry players, and what you have to offer is better than what your lower-ranking competition is offering.

In contrast, if your business ranks lower on SERPs, your business loses credibility in the market, and people may not consider your services trustworthy.

A website's first-page SEO rankings

3. SEO Ensures Higher Conversion Rates

Search engine optimization offers guaranteed search engine ranking. If you maintain your position on the first page long enough, your targeted market and potential customers will eventually become aware of your business as a credible resource in the industry.

As they become more aware of your brand and see how your business works, there’s a greater possibility that they’d want to close the deal with you.

4. SEO Offers Higher Closing Rates

Compared to cold calls and outbound lead generation, SEO leads have shown higher closing rates. This is because, in the case of SEO leads, the customers search the internet with specific requirements and needs in mind. They know what they’re looking for.  In comparison, the conversion rate of cold calls is usually low because communication is uncalled for.


5. SEO Encourages Better Cost Management

First-page SEO guarantees better cost management for businesses; as the foundation of successful digital marketing, it helps you optimize the overall cost. It also helps you cut costs and essentially save your resources. Some of the ways it helps cut cost is:

  • It offers inexpensive advertisements on the internet. With Guaranteed rankings, you don’t have to make any monetary investment in digital advertising and pay-per-click.
  • The activities involved in inbound lead generation, such as blogging, social media management, and referrals, usually have low or no cost. In contrast, outbound lead generation involves cold calling, direct selling, or visiting clients, which can be expensive without fruitful results.

6. SEO Motivates Locals To Visit The Physical Store In Person

Think with Google study showed that 88% of people who searched for a product on their smartphone visited a nearby local store within a week. So if you have a small business with an online and offline presence, first-page SEO guarantees increased chances of potential customers visiting your physical store.

For example, if a user goes on the internet and looks up suggestions for “Best Italian Restaurants Near Me,” this search will give them various options, and chances are that the user will choose the top choice and may even become a regular customer of that place.

Digital marketing rankings

7. SEO Boosts Brand Awareness On The Internet

Brand awareness refers to your targeted audience’s familiarity with your services and products. First Page SEO Guarantee that your brand is easily found online through an organic search. Potential customers will start noticing your brand if you stay at the top long enough.

This increases the chances of internet users clicking your website link more often and driving heavier traffic to your website.

8. SEO Helps Increase Your Market Share

Staying on top ranking means your business is more likely to be found by potential customers. Once they discover your website, and if the products and services align with their needs, they will turn into leads who eventually become successful customers.

These leads will either make a purchase, and if not, they’ll at least subscribe to the newsletter or even sign up for a membership. The bottom line is that this strategy helps increase your conversion rate and market share. It helps you take more control.

A person explaining guaranteed search engine ranking to a client

9. SEO Boosts Your Social Media Following

In this digital age, social media platforms are the go-to for almost every internet user who wants information about a product or service. Optimizing your content will help increase your viability in organic searches. People will become more aware of your brand and consider you an expert in the industry. They’ll want to follow you to see the relevant news and update.

Additionally, posting relevant content and engaging with your customers on social media will increase your brand’s website traffic. And hence, overall increasing your Guaranteed Search Engine Rankings.


The opportunities to dominate the digital world are endless. And SEO is one of the best ways to ensure your brand’s success in terms of brand equity and awareness.

About The Author

The author is a content creator with over two decades of experience developing well-researched content and helping businesses get closer to their goals of ranking on the first page in search engines. She’s currently affiliated with Search Berg and writes blogs for them.