The demand for mobile applications for business operations is increasing at a tremendous rate in all different industries and is only expected to witness more growth in the upcoming years. The research and analytics report suggests that the total value of the mobile app development industry will reach up to $188.9 billion.

Many companies are now hiring and preferring graduates in computer science but without the right qualification and training the job of a mobile app developer will cause trouble for many IT aspirants in their careers. Therefore, we have discussed in-depth information here for those who want to build a career in the field of mobile app development.

How to Become a Mobile App Developer

  1. Choose One of the Major Platforms: The first step to begin the journey of becoming an expert mobile app developer will require choosing a major platform. There are many famous and infamous platforms such as Android, iOS, Symbian, and Blackberry RIM. However, Android and iOS are dominating the mobile industry. Each platform is entirely different from one another. Therefore, consider and do a deep analysis to choose which one is good to specialize in. It is possible to master everything, but it is preferred and recommended to cover only one platform at a time, and then gradually expand the knowledge base along with mobile app development with Ionic.
  2. Learn Essential Skills: To become an expert mobile app developer, one must possess software development skills and knowledge. One must analyze at what stage he is in his career. If it is a person who already works as a web developer, then it will require little effort as compared to a beginner who learns and gain training and a certified mobile app development internship with BrainCave Learning Hub.
  3. Master Programming Languages: Choosing the right language is very important for a beginner. In case a person wants to become an iOS app developer then must master two languages such as Swift and Objective-C. Apple also offers the iOS Developer Library, which is very well-documented. It helps many to find tutorials and videos to help them learn to code. It helps break down the complexity of the iOS mobile app development program into small sections for easy understanding. Or in case want to become an Android app developer apps on the Android platform, you need to know Java and many other vital programming languages.
  4. Practice Your Skills: “Practice makes a person perfect” this quote will help many new and intermediate mobile app developers learn new methods. Regular practice will sharpen the skills. For this BrainCave Learning Hub has brought to you a Mobile app development internship certification program to get training as well as work on real projects to test your skills and knowledge.
  5. Build App For Other Platforms: Once an individual masters coding skills for a single platform, then it is time to try to build the same app for other platforms. As each platform has its features and the app is required to be modified as per the platform’s requirement accordingly.

Ionic Framework Developer

It is a complete open-source SDK for hybrid mobile app development. It was created by Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley of Drifty Co. in the year 2013. The first original version was released in the year 2013 and built on top of AngularJS and Apache Cordova.

Why Mobile App Development with Ionic?

Ionic is an open-source SDK that enables a developer to build a mobile application without bothering much about starting from scratch coding for each platform i.e, with the Ionic framework a mobile app developer can build easily the same application for Android and iOS without much difficulty.


Where to Get Mobile App Development with Ionic?

BrainCave Learning Hub is a reputed IT training institute that offers some of the best-demanded professional IT training and internship programs. Get enrolled in the Mobile App development with an Ionic internship program with the least expense and connect with an industry expert to become an expert mobile app developer in the IT industry.


From the above article, we learned in detail the importance of a mobile app developer in today’s globalized industry and IT sector. There is high demand for mobile app development in the market to achieve the daily requirements of their clients. We also learned from the article how important is a Mobile app development with Ionic to build an app for multiple platforms.