This small, yet crucial device can be used across many industries.

These lighter options can be used to carry luggage, towropes and personal safety equipment such as helmets or caps for climbing.

Equipment to link loads to cranes, hoist cranes, or other equipments. Equipment that links loads to hoists, cranes, or other devices. It can be used in conjunction with ropes and lifting slings and shackles near me.

This powerful, yet simple tool can solve any problem in your business.


They are highly valued for their flexibility and adaptability.

There are two options. If you’re a business, you can request customized versions.

We’ll show you the wide range of equipment in this field by providing an inventory.

Anchor Shackles

They are sometimes called anchorshackles and also known as bow Shackles. They can be used to join rope hooks and slings.

Chain Shackle

Dee is a different name for Chain-shackles. Due to their “D-shaped” form, Chain-shackles may have Dee as their preferred name.

Solutions for Specialists

These products have been specifically created for specific conditions.

They are available in a variety of finishes, including self-coloring and galvanizing.

The benefits of.

It offers many benefits.

Make sure to read all the pros and cons before you make a purchase.

These are just a few of the many benefits you may have found. We’ve listed some benefits to help you decide which one is right for you.

Reliable and secure

It is essential that the sling be securely attached to any other lifting equipment in order to safely lift objects.

Anchorshackles can be used to transport loads of different types

Anchorshackles can be used for wider straps than ones of a smaller size.

Clips that attach to a clamp or thread can be used to close them.

Security measures

  • Conduct a visual inspection before you sign any agreement.
  • Make sure all information is accurate before you purchase a product.
  • There may be multiple legs to the shackle.
  • Measure your hooks accurately.
  • Pin-type screws shouldn’t be used on the body or sling.
  • Don’t use your lift if safety guidelines are broken, or are very worn.

This safety checklist will ensure that you and your group members are safe.

Your business could benefit from a shackle that raises money

This article will show you how to use small but powerful equipment when lifting or rigging.

Equipment is an asset. What are the benefits of equipment for my company?

Contact an expert member of our UK team for more information about the latest technology.

Company’s name: UK Lifting Store

Address: 3 Newlyn Rd, Cradley Heath, West Midlands, B64 6BE