Kimberly is a process of growing awareness among the general public and customers. Kimberley is the younger generation about ecosystem and devastating effect of corporate planet’s atmosphere ecosystem and these are poorest among all. By getting this knowledge, people are embracing sustainability and are doing such parts and they also have started to make the earth a better place for everyone. Organization and powerful people are basically opposed to this purpose towards ethics. The lab created diamonds UK are also go through the Kimberley process.
The best example for Kimberley process is no more that diamond mining industry. They have time which has been caught ecological destruction and unimaginable human suffering. Majority of diamonds can be seen in conflict free areas where the rule of law is also controlled by paramilitaries. They also use slave or labor for the purpose pf pursuit of digging up diamonds. After these major steps all the conflict free diamonds are sold into the market. They cannot get further profit from blood diamonds as it is seen in Kimberley process. All these conflict free diamonds are vital source of gaining profit on marketplace. Kimberley is the more significant process which is concerned by the effort of mined diamond industry. These are “conflict free diamonds”. The Kimberley process is well known and more prominent. All these diamonds are rough diamonds. These are freshly mined diamonds.
What is Kimberley Process?
It is common question “What is The Kimberley Process?” The Kimberley process is just like many preceding attempts by the mined diamond industry but it is no more than a marketing scheme which convince the customers that all these diamonds which you are purchasing are ethically sourced diamonds instead of blood diamonds. Kimberley process is deceptive and unreliable. Kimberley process is implemented through the national legislation of its partners.
An international Agreement
Kimberly process is concerned with international agreements. It has neither permanent offices nor permanent staff rather it is supported by industry or civil society. In fact, they are loosely held organization which has no office or full time employees. It is not regulated by certification boards. It is not concerned with regulatory governments. All these man made diamonds UK which they are selling are rough diamonds and are conflict free. They also create fancy sounding process. An organization which asks its members to police and it is never being trusted. The process of ‘passing’ Kimberley certification is very simple. The Kimberley process is a complete fiasco. When they supply rough diamonds to other suppliers they also provide certificates which also belong to Kimberley process. That’s why these are conflict free. But you might have a question that ho certifies these certificates? That’s simple they also certifies themselves. All the members of Kimberley process cover themselves for each other from auditors and regulators. The problem which is inherited to mined diamonds can never be solved and also not by simple process ‘the Kimberley process’, which facilitates the covering of ‘blood diamonds’ in the industry. Blood diamonds can never be truly traced. But in Kimberley process all these diamonds are conflict free. All these mine are indistinguishable from those diamonds which are unearthed from others mines.