A Brief History of Instagram’s UI Evolution Over the Years
You’ve probably noticed that Instagram has evolved over the years, but you might not have noticed just how different it used to look compared to today! Check out the gallery below that highlights each of these UI changes over the years. You’ll notice that Instagram got its start as a mobile-only app and the layout was much different from today’s product, but you’ll also see how Instagram has slowly increased their focus on high-quality photos and videos in their design elements over time! Enjoy this little trip down memory lane, and see how far Instagram has come since it launched in 2010!
How Things Started
In October 2010, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger were two Stanford graduates with a prototype for a location-based photo sharing app. They named it Burbn, but after six months, they had only managed to get 1,000 users on board. In January 2011, they decided to pivot their focus and created an app that combined photos with filters called Instagram.
The Beginning (2012)
In 2012, Instagram introduced a new design that would represent the company’s first major update in nearly two years. The update, which included a redesigned news feed and profile pages, was met with mixed reactions from users who were concerned about how it would affect their experience on the app.
Version 2.0 (2013)
The 2013 update to Instagram introduced some features that would drastically change how people interacted with the app. Popular features include new filters and editing tools, as well as different ways to share your photos to other social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr. The design was completely revamped in this version and had a much more minimalistic feel than before. It also made it easier for users to switch between viewing their feed or their profile.
What does this mean for brands?
As social media platforms continue to grow and change, it’s important for brands to stay up-to-date on what is happening. Take a look at how the UI changes have impacted brands and be sure to keep an eye out for more changes in upcoming updates.
How to get noticed by posting consistent, quality content
Don’t be one and done. If you post a photo, make sure to post another one tomorrow. And then another the day after that. Consistency is key when it comes to getting noticed on Instagram, so don’t let your followers forget about you!
Final thoughts
It has been almost a decade since Instagram first launched and it is still going strong. This simple social media app has become more than just a filter-filled photo application, it’s grown into an identity for many people, with some even calling themselves Instagrammers. If you are looking to expand your brand or jump-start your business, take a look at what the top UI Development company IN USA can do for you.