Children experience a range of situations and emotional stages while growing up. The pulls and pressure of living and growing up may or may not show in them depending on how they are coping with and responding to these. Indeed, some children are not able to cope well and develop anomalies like ADHD, learning disabilities, and even depression. However, developmental abnormalities like these are not incurable. Indeed, some coaches can coach your child to get rid of such issues.

Child Life Coach

Children may require coaching if you think that they are developing learning disabilities, depression, ADHD, etc. These disabilities are not always developmental; some may be born with these. Broadly speaking these issues are known as executive function issues. They may manifest by difficulty in –

  • Managing time
  • Paying attention
  • Switching focus
  • Planning and organizing
  • Remembering details
  • Learning by experience and doing the wrong thing
  • Multitasking

If your child’s executive function isn’t working normally, his behavior is less controlled. This can affect his attendance in school, doing things independently, Maintaining relationships, etc. However, many of these are reversible issues. If you hire the services of experienced Executive Function Coaches for your child, you can address executive function anomalies in him. Your child can become efficient in managing time, learning by experience, remembering details, planning, organizing, etc. You can also find him paying attention to his lessons and everything else that matters.

Executive Function and ADHD Symptoms

Although executive functioning and ADHD symptoms are not the same, many ADHD symptoms lead to problems with executive function. ADHD is a weakness in the brain’s self-management system. It can lead to difficulty in paying attention, remembering things, organizing tasks, thinking creatively managing time, etc. These difficulties are executive functional anomalies triggered by ADHD.

Child Life Coach and Executive Functioning Anomalies

If a child in your family is exhibiting symptoms of executive function issues, you need to take him to a coach. Some coaches can diagnose ADHD symptoms and sort out issues of executive functioning with proper support and guidance.

A Peak Into Child Life Coaching 

Child life coaching may include coaching sessions, voice memos, emails, texts, and communication. Indeed, communication with a team consisting of psychiatrists, psychologists, Guidance Counselors, Teachers, etc., is one of the most effective means of coaching a child suffering from ADHD and executive function issues.

Tools of Evaluation 

Evaluation of results is certainly one of the most important issues in any examination. In the case of child coaching too, you need to evaluate whether the child continues to have an idea about his progress. There are some basic tools for evaluation depending on the niche. For a child life coach, tools mostly involve questionnaires, goal and action sheets, personal history forms, etc. You just need to see that you are hiring experienced coaches for your child.

Reasons For Working With An Executive Function Coach

  • Organize at school, work a s well as home
  • Improve executive functioning skills
  • Concentrate on work/school priorities and productivity
  • Be held responsible
  • Form simple, smart habits
  • Improve time management
  • Decipher what ADHD is and what it isn’t
  • Make and accomplish goals
  • Reach places on time
  • Study and improve homework skills
  • Form up a healthy diet, sleep, and exercise habits
  • Improve relationships and communication skills
  • Monitor money management
  • Work out what to say to other people regarding their ADHD


If you are worried about issues in your child like difficulty in managing time, paying attention, remembering details, etc., you may need to visit an experienced coach. Some coaches can coach your child to conquer these difficulties. Just make sure that you are hiring a reputed and experienced coach. A child life coach will help you gain leverage and take action, in order, you can unravel your ADHD strengths with judgments, and strategies that allow you to be in control of your life & accomplish your goals.