One of the trending news on Malayalam news channel live – During the BJP’s agitation against the Trinamool government, protesters set fire to a Kolkata police vehicle. The event occurred in the downtown Kolkata neighborhood of Burabazar. A crowd set fire to a vehicle parked near the police station. A video from the scene has emerged. People can be seen rushing with sticks and flinging stones in the footage. The fire department arrived and extinguished the flames.
Burabuzar is one of the city’s major wholesale marketplaces. On the same day, BJP workers fought with state police during a protest march against the ruling Trinamool Congress. The march accused the administration of corruption. To disperse the demonstrators, police fired tear gas and water cannons.
Clashes at a BJP march in Kolkata demand that Mamata Banerjee resign.
Clashes during the BJP’s March to the Secretariat against the Mamata government in Bengal A fight broke out between BJP activists and police. Police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the demonstrators. Several BJP workers were also detained while marching to the Secretariat.
The march is a protest against the Trinamool Congress government’s corruption. In light of the arrest of Trinamool Congress ministers in the corruption case, the BJP has called for Mamata Banerjee’s resignation. Suvendu Adhikari, the march’s leader, was also detained. Because of the likelihood of unrest, more police have been deployed in the area.
Bengal Police rejected permission for the BJP’s Nabanna March. Many BJP supporters from other states and districts traveled to Bengal to take part in the Nabanna March. As a result, the police detained BJP members who arrived in the state by train from the countryside.
Four BJP members from Panagadh were apprehended by police. According to BJP leader Abhijit Dutta, police detained 20 party leaders near the Durgapur train station. A prohibitory order under CrPC 144 is now in effect in the region.
The Lavlin case will not be heard by the Supreme Court today.
The matter will not be heard today by SLC Lavlin. The Lawlin petitions are also on the list of cases to be heard by the Chief Justice-led bench in the afternoon. However, the arguments in the petitions against financial reservation are still being heard before the Chief Justice’s bench.
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The Supreme Court has stated that the other petitions would be examined only if the Constitution Bench hearings are finished today. The hearing on the petitions was postponed more than 30 times in four years. The Supreme Court has chosen to hear the matter today. The replacement date will be revealed at a later time.
TP Nandakumar, the lawyer for one of the petitioners, drew to the court’s attention that the petition was being altered despite being listed multiple times. The Chief Justice then urged that the petitions not be removed from the September 13 list.
Pinarayi Vijayan, former Energy Department Secretary K. Mohana Chandran, and A Francis, Secretary of the Energy Department, were acquitted in the Lavlin case on August 23, 2017. The CBI petitioned the Supreme Court in December 2017 to challenge the removal of three people from the charge sheet. On January 11, 2018, the Supreme Court issued a notification. Over the following four years, the petition was postponed multiple times.
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