Have you ever noticed that the meals that require the most work tend to taste the best? Whether it’s because the extra effort makes a noticeable difference or if your brain is just determined to enjoy the meal after all that hard work, we’re not sure.

One thing is for certain, though — reaping the benefits of your labor is delicious. Maybe that’s why we love eating oysters so much.

At Taylor Shellfish Farms, we’re used to oyster shucking, but many people never get to experience just how rewarding it can be, which is why we’re offering oyster kits just in time for summer.

When you order oysters at a restaurant, they are delivered to your table ready to eat on the half shell. They’re delicious and easy to slurp down, but this approach doesn’t give you the chance to wield a shucking knife for yourself. Frankly, you’re missing out.

On the other hand, the oyster kits allow you to enjoy the fruits (well, meats) of your labor, without paying expensive restaurant prices.

Oyster kits ensure that your shellfish stay fresh for longer 

Ordering shellfish online isn’t risky, but the most important FAQs we get from our customers are about safety and we take that very seriously.

We don’t hide shady practices behind special offers or coupon codes, because spoiled shellfish can be dangerous. At checkout, you’ll notice that our shipping policy is to be as fast as possible and feature cooling filling materials in every order to ensure your oysters arrive fresh and are 100% safe to eat. That being said, mistakes can happen during shipping that are out of our control.

Our oyster kits feature high-quality, live oysters that are in the shell, adding another layer of safety. Shucked oysters spoil much quicker than live oysters, making oyster kits a great first box for those who may be concerned about temperature.

Oyster kits are a great product for kids and their families.

Let’s face it: it’s hard to keep kids occupied once summer rolls around. Finding activities that are both fun and educational can feel like a full-time job, not to mention expensive — kids get tired of their toys quickly! With their stickers and monthly subscription boxes are strewn around the house, you may want to look for activities that are fun for kids and adults.

While an oyster kit is first and foremost a delicious meal, what the product details don’t tell you is that oyster kits serve as fun role-playing STEM activities!


Even if the little ones haven’t quite discovered their taste for shellfish yet, putting on a pair of shucking gloves and helping an adult crack open fresh Kumamoto oysters for dinner is a great learning experience that lets their imaginations run wild.

With an oyster kit, kids can try out any number of different careers. Prying open the shells can make kids feel like a real-life archaeologist, revealing the treasure within an age-old relic. Or perhaps they’re a surgeon, removing their scalpel from their doctor kit (of course, shucking knives should be handled by the adults).

While the kids pretend to join a new profession, you’re forging important bonds and creating lifelong memories. Whether you’re an 8-year-old or an 88-year-old, the DIY nature of an oyster kit is a fun learning experience for the whole family.