Before embarking on a road trip by car, there are many aspects to consider before embarking on a road trip. This article discusses the key ideas to make your trip safe.

Carefulness is essential before going on a road trip by your car. Therefore, you need to check the entire health of your car before starting your journey.

You should ensure that your vehicle is working correctly and study the route.

To help you undertake a road journey by your car, we are recommending the following tips:

Map the Route

The first thing to do is map out the route, including the sites and attractions to see. Therefore, you should study the course you want to drive. It will help you do away with looking at the maps on your mobile phone for directions and getting distracted. 

If you drive through small towns, make sure you plot the areas of petrol stations and restaurants. 

Although you carry a mental map of the area you will travel to, you should give importance to offline maps. 

You can download the maps for the areas you are going to travel to because that can be handy if you lose internet connection on the way. In this context, can be a great option.

Again, the battery of your phone might drain out. If that happens, you will be in the middle of nowhere. You will not be able to figure out where to go. 

Therefore, you must carry a paper version of the map and plot out the key locations. So, you will be able to move along the correct route if you somehow get lost on the way. 

Take Occasional Breaks

It can be a dangerous thing to drive while being tired. Therefore, you should avoid it. 

You should take a break when you feel tired. While taking a break, stretch your legs, and rest your eyes for a while.

If you drive with a partner or friend, you can leverage the advantage. You can share the driving every two or three hours.

Ensure that you take a break the moment you feel tired.

Carry Water

It is a good idea not to rely on purchasing water bottles on the way, especially if you will drive to remote locations. You might not find any retail outlets to buy water bottles in such locations. 

So, you can carry large jerry cans filled with water if you are driving to remote locations. And allow 10L of water per day per person in remote areas.

It may sound like it is a lot of water. But, it is not valid. For example, if you want to wash your hands or rinse off a plate, the quantity of water will diminish quickly.

Carry Extra Fuel

Before you start driving to a remote location, do not forget to carry extra jerry fuel cans. Unfortunately, there can be no or few fuel stations in such locations. And, even if you get a fuel station, you can not be sure that it will remain open at all times.

If you pass by any gas station on your route, fill up your fuel tank. 

However, carrying extra fuel in jerry cans is not necessary if you drive along in well-populated areas. Therefore, study the route beforehand to make yourself aware of the fuel availability. 

Carry Extra Food

If you are going on a remote trip for a week, ensure that you carry food at least for two days. While going on such trips, unexpected things could happen that can lead you to extend your trip by two or three days. 

In such a case, you can quickly figure out what can happen if you carry food only for seven days. So, you need to take extra food to keep you and your partners on the safe side. 

If you see your food diminishing, you can stock up on food whenever you pass through a restaurant.  

Check the Weather Forecast

As you can quickly figure out, the weather conditions have a lot to do with your travel. Therefore, check the weather forecast for the locations you will travel to. 

If you see the possibility of any thunderstorms or a flood, you should reconsider your travel plan. You can postpone your travel to a later date after the severe conditions pass by. 

Check Your Car’s Condition 

It is a crucial practice. So, do not skip it. Before you embark upon your journey, you should check the condition of your car. 

Your car will remain roadworthy if you adhere to the car service schedule.

If you do not know the technical aspects of cars, you can call up a mechanic to inspect your car. It will help discover anything that needs attention before going on the trip. 

You should look at the conditions of tires, tire pressures, oil, coolant, brakes, wipers, water, lights and the battery.

Importantly, do not forget to carry spare tools before starting your journey. 


Road trips by car can be amazing. But, you should not ignore the safety element. If you do so, you will not get an enjoyable experience but a disgusting one. Therefore, you need to follow road safety practices.