Keeping up with the latest news can help you stay informed and protect yourself from scams. It’s especially important to follow the news during times of crisis, like…well, right now. So how can you do that? Below are some tips for staying current with today’s most important news stories:
Read The News When You’re Free
Read the news when you’re free and not when you’re busy, tired, hungry, or sleepy. If you read the news when you are busy, then it will take your mind away from what you are doing and make it difficult for you to concentrate on what is important. If you read the news when tired or sleepy, then your brain won’t be able to process all of the information properly.
If your brain cannot process all of this information properly then it isn’t going to be able to store any new memories in long-term memory storage space which means that any new knowledge learned during this time will be forgotten as soon as we go back into a normal state of sleepiness/tiredness again! If you want to stay updated with political news, then read political info.
Visit News Page On Your Phone
There are two main ways to access the news on your phone: through a news app and through the search function. To use an app, download one from your phone’s app store (for Android users, that’s Google Play). If you’re using an iPhone, go to the App Store.
You’ll be presented with many different options for apps that will show you local, national, or international headlines. Once you’ve chosen one and downloaded it onto your device, open it up and follow its instructions on how to navigate around its design.
It’s also possible to search for “news” directly in your web browser (the default browser on most devices). Most browsers allow users to type their query into the address bar at the top of their screen; Safari on iOS devices has a “News” tab built right into its dropdown menu so there’s no need even to bother typing anything out!
Follow Top Twitter Handles
Following the right Twitter, handles can help you stay updated with the top news.
- Follow the handles of people you trust: There are certain people you know who have a reputation for sharing accurate and timely information, so follow them on Twitter.
- Follow handles that share news and information that interests you: Some people like to follow their favorite celebrities, while others prefer political personalities or sports teams. Find out which kind of information interests you, and then search for Twitter accounts that post about it.
- Follow handles from your own circle: You might be interested in following other kinds of news than those shared by your family members or friends, but if they’re interested in similar topics to yours then there’s no reason why not to follow their tweets as well!
Use Google Alerts
Google Alerts is a free tool that allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest news by receiving email alerts whenever new results appear in Google. You can set up an alert for any topic or keyword across any search engine, even if you don’t have access to that particular search engine.
For example, if you want to know when something happens in your industry or country but don’t want to use social media for it (because who knows what kind of stuff will show up there?), then just set up an alert using Google Alerts and receive emails from them on a weekly basis.
Setting up an alert is easy; all you need is your subject matter and how often they should send it (daily, weekly or monthly). For example: “news” + “Canada” + “weekly”.
When set up correctly and maintained regularly (e.g., once per month), this simple method gives me a good overview of what’s happening around my country without having to spend time on social media every day looking through posts by friends/family/people I follow online – which often leads nowhere anyway!
Bookmark Important News Websites
Bookmarking is a great way to save time and money, which can be especially helpful if you’re watching your budget. Saving time means that you don’t have to go online every day to check for updates on certain news sites or topics that interest you.
You can access them all at once with a single visit, instead of having to navigate through several different tabs trying to find what you’re looking for. From these websites, you can easily find the news of the day.
Most importantly, bookmarking will help keep energy consumption down! Rather than repeatedly visiting the same websites over and over again throughout the day (and possibly using up more bandwidth than necessary), saving those sites in bookmarks allows them all to be accessed in one place instead of multiple times throughout the day. This saves energy costs and protects our planet’s resources by reducing unnecessary carbon emissions into Earth’s atmosphere!