Handbags are a great way to carry your money, wallets, phones, or other essentials which you use on a daily basis. Through the use of your handbags you can transport personal essentials too. Handbags or bags in general have a great usage for carrying items. But one of the main reasons why they are so much in trend these days is because they have now become a unique outward statement of a woman’s status. This means that since it is a symbol of wealth in the present day world, the design and brand it is of it matters more than its general usage. Apart from that, a handbag can carry your wallet, money, room keys, etc. This makes it an important accessory in your wardrobe.
Also, most men’s outfits include pockets which have sufficient space in them to carry small items like money, wallet, keys, etc. Women, on the other hand, are not at the advantage of carrying small significant things in their pockets. Which is why women need to carry handbags which can be used in place of pockets. Let’s face it, it will be years later when almost all the outfits owned by women will have pockets deep enough for them to carry their essentials.
Best-selling bags collection from Neiman Marcus
Here are some of the best selling bags collection from Neiman Marcus, which you shouldn’t miss! Moreover, these bags fall into the best selling category because they come from globally recognised and admired brands.
1. La Medusa Small Handbag from Versace
One of the most iconic brands in the present day world is Versace. The name will spark interesting conversations among women about this brand no matter where they are. So, is the aura and presence of this brand. But apart from being widely admired and recognised, Versace has a significant brand and status-based value attached to it. Owning Versace means owning an asset. Also, the brand is not just about popularity; it is also about the unique designs which are inspired from Greek mythology. Check out this La Medusa Small Handbag from Versace. Its top handle is made of leather. If you look at the top, you’ll find a signature tonal Medusa head from Versace. There are so many features of this bag which makes it an iconic bag.
2. Jamie Mini YSL Quilted Wool Crossbody Bag from Saint Laurent
One thinks about Saint Laurent and our mind is automatically transported to the scenario where you have an opera show at 8pm and you wear a black dress along with this Jamie Mini YSL Quilted Wool Crossbody Bag. Not just, but at a classy event, you can make a fashion statement with this crossbody bag from Saint Laurent. This bag is made up of quilted wool. Also, its sliding chain/leather crossbody strap can be doubled. Along with that, it has a flap top with YSL logo hardware. The interior of the bag has one slip pocket and it is made in Italy. This bag is perfect for occasions or events which are formal. Also, if you are going to a party event from your office and you carry this bag with you, you’ll be coming home with tons of compliments.
3. Le Panier Soleil Basket Bag with Suede Trim
Now you may think, why do you need a basket bag? Well, the answer is quite clear; it is to hold and carry your contents and also protect them from the exposure of harsh weather like rain and strong winds. If you are looking for a classic basket bag then you should check out this Le Panier Soleil Basket Bag with Suede Trim from Neiman Marcus. This is a tote bag in a basket-woven straw with calf suede trim. It has rolled-top handles and along with that it has a detachable shoulder/crossbody strap. Moreover, this bag has an open top and an exterior flap pocket with Jacquemus logo. You can carry this tote bag everyday to work since it can contain many of your essentials in it.
4. Roman Stud Wool Medium Top Handle Bag
There are always times when you need accessories which you reserve especially for certain occasions only. Many other accessories from high-end brands would look flattering with your hand-picked and carefully chosen dress. But this Roman Stud Wool Medium Top Handle Bag from Neiman Marcus will charm not only you but also anyone who sets their eyes on it. This bag is woven in wool and leather and it has an allover signature Roman studs. If you notice carefully, then the flat top handle has anchored metal rings. Along with that, it has a removable chain shoulder strap that loops through top handle rings. This bag has several features which makes it a stand-out one is its interior with one zip pocket.