Engineering recruitment can be tough. Many engineers are acutely aware of how in demand their services are and as such pick their employers very carefully. Recruitment is easier when supply outweighs demand on behalf of the employer, however there are steps you can take to make the hiring process easier.
Stay Humble
Firstly, you need to understand that you have competition. While it may be true that a qualified candidate would be lucky to work for you, understanding just how competitive the field is would help you more.
Humility is key as ultimately, you are looking to replace a candidate and while there could be a variety of reasons for them to leave, being honest about how you can better retain staff will give you the kind of mindset that attracts future employees.
Accept the Figures
To put some figures behind the notorious idea that engineering is a competitive field, Paul Jackson, Chief Executive, EngineeringUK, said: “For every new engineering role, an additional two jobs are created in the economy” to highlight the issue.
He also noted a current shortfall of 55,000 skilled engineering professionals per year, so the need to have a robust engineering recruitment plan has never been more pertinent. These figures are up to date too, having been discussed in relation to the current year (2022).
Have a think about what type of engineering candidates would work best in the roles you are hiring for. Are you looking to attract graduates or experienced engineers who see a future at your company? The approach would be different depending on the type of person you are looking to attract.F
or example, to reach a younger demographic, digital channels such as social media may be worth investing into so you can advertise to the right audience.
It pays to read up on what you can do alone, but ultimately you have a business to run. Why not recruit the help of seasoned experts in the field of engineering recruitment?
Often, engineering recruitment agencies will provide you with many options so you can receive assistance to meet your hiring goals along any step of the process. When the field is so full of competitors, going it alone pales in comparison to having a robust plan put in place by those who can help.