Did you know that drinking coffee can help you live longer? That is not a myth! Research shows that drinking coffee can lower your risk of developing cancer, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Whether or not drinking coffee is a healthy habit depends on what you do with its caffeine. While there are some side effects, drinking Aerial Resupply Coffee regularly can significantly reduce your risk of dying early. So how can drinking coffee help you live longer?

Reduces risk of heart disease

Several research studies have linked regular consumption of coffee with reduced risk of heart disease and other diseases. For example, a survey conducted by the American Heart Association (AHA) looked at half a million people from the British medical database. These individuals were grouped according to how often they drank coffee daily. Then, the study followed them for a decade to see if they developed heart problems or died. Researchers also considered how the participants drank coffee and whether they drank instant or ground coffee.

Lowers risk of stroke

Studies show that drinking coffee lowers your risk of stroke. The trouble was more significant among those who consumed two to three cups a day. This association was much more robust among non-smokers, and it was not present among current smokers. Other drinks containing caffeine, such as caffeinated soft drinks, did not increase stroke risk. Decaffeinated coffee was also associated with a lower risk after adjusting for age, smoking, and physical activity.

Lowers risk of diabetes

According to a new study, drinking coffee can help you live longer and lower your risk of diabetes. This association is not gender or race-specific, and it was observed across all ages. Coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, high body mass index, and diabetes, and it is also associated with lower levels of physical activity. The researchers also suggest drinking three to five cups of coffee per day to reap its benefits.

Lowers risk of cancer

The results of the meta-analysis on drinking coffee and cancer are mixed. It showed that coffee consumption might lower the risk of some common cancers, such as female breast cancer, pancreas cancer, and prostate and bowel cancer. However, there is still insufficient evidence to conclude that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of cancer in other organs. In addition, it is essential to note that coffee’s association with cancer risk may also be influenced by factors such as smoking, which is also associated with a lower risk of developing bladder cancer.

Increases longevity

Drinking coffee may increase your life expectancy. According to a recent study, drinking at least three cups a day can significantly increase your lifespan. The researchers found that people who drank three or more cups a day had a 12 to 16% lower risk of dying from various causes. Although the findings were not a complete surprise, skeptics remain skeptical. However, coffee may increase longevity due to its beneficial effect on a healthy lifestyle.

Reduces oxidative stress

Several studies have explored the effects of coffee on oxidative stress in humans, with mixed results. Nevertheless, coffee has been described as a particularly relevant source of antioxidant compounds for the human diet. Oxidative stress is when cellular production of oxidants exceeds the availability of antioxidant molecules in the body. Antioxidant-rich foods can help combat this condition, as they can scavenge free radicals and repair DNA damage.