Grocery shopping is an integral part of every household. When you start shopping every once a week, you will know the expenditure is way more than expected. It is one of the expenses that cannot be overlooked, and hence you need to come up with ways in which you can save at least a portion of the money that gets spent every time you go grocery shopping. 

If you are looking for ways to reduce your grocery bills, there are some credit cards that will help you save a substantial amount of money while online and offline grocery shopping. Credit card issuers offer users a cashback upon purchasing groceries. Along with that, there are additional perks such as rewards and direct discounts on selected brands. You can also use the Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard to reduce your grocery bills. 

ICICI Amazon Pay Credit Card

If you are a frequent shopper from Amazon, this credit card is ideal for reducing your grocery bills. Amazon pantry can be used to shop with this card. For Prime users, there is a cashback of 5%, and if you do not have a Prime membership, then you earn a cashback of 3%. One of the key features of this credit card is that it is a lifetime free credit card.

Axis Bank Flipkart Credit Card

This is a suitable credit card for those who shop groceries frequently from Flipkart. It not only offers a 5% cashback on Flipkart shopping, but it also offers a 4% cashback on Myntra and other partner websites. Unlike the Amazon pay model, where the cashback gets directed to your Amazon Pay Balance, Axis Bank Flipkart Credit keeps it simple with a direct statement credit model. Any cashback rewarded will be directly credited to your account. 

RBL Shoprite Credit Card

Every time you make any purchase of Rs. 100, you get one reward point except for fuel. This RBL credit card is packed with many benefits and perks, from discounts on movie tickets to fuel purchases. With every purchase of Rs. 100 while grocery shopping, you earn 20 reward points. With this RBL credit card, you can get up to 1000 reward points each month. This credit card has an annual fee of Rs. 500. 

Platinum LifeEasy SuperCard

This RBL credit card offers unlimited interest-free cash withdrawal. As a welcome gift, it offers its users Rs. 2000 worth of gift vouchers. It’s one of the best credit cards to reduce grocery bills as it provides a 5% cashback on all grocery purchases. You also get gift vouchers of Rs. 1,000 if your spending crosses Rs. 1lakh every year. This credit card allows users to convert their cash limit into a personal loan. 

Platinum ShopDaily SuperCard

This credit card has the power of four credit cards in one. It comes with attractive welcome gift vouchers. To get this Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank credit card, also known as a SuperCard, all you have to do is pay a joining fee of Rs. 499 and an annual fee of Rs. 499 starting from the second year of getting the credit card. It offers a 5% cashback on grocery purchases which tallies up to Rs. 250 per month. 

RBL Titanium Delight Credit Card

This RBL credit card charges an annual fee of Rs. 750. This is a great credit card that offers one reward point on all kinds of purchases, including groceries. Every time you spend Rs. 100, you get one reward point. It comes with an additional offer. If you spend Rs. 100 or more on grocery shopping on Wednesdays, you get 20 reward points. 

Check out this SuperCard from Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank, it’s like having the power of four credit cards packed into one. What’s even cooler? You land some sweet welcome gift vouchers when you sign up. Swing by to snag this deal. Just cough up a joining fee of Rs. 499 and keep the card rolling with an annual fee of Rs. 499 from the second year. Plus, who can say no to a 5% cashback on grocery hauls, capping at Rs. 250 monthly?


Bajaj Finserv, in collaboration with RBL Bank, offers some of the best credit cards that can be used to reduce your grocery bill. With Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard, you can even withdraw cash from ATMs, and you won’t be required to pay any interest on it for 50 days. It comes with the power of 4 credit cards in one. The Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard is one of the most powerful credit cards today.