Like many other herbs, hemp is a food-friendly plant that is rich in aroma, flavor, and nutrition. Since we all know that it comes with an earthy taste, people choose to cook with premium cannabis flowers to avoid its smell or taste.

Cannabis is a food-friendly herb that can spice up your cooking experience and add many health benefits to your nutrition regime. And CBD-infused food items are the perfect way of adding them into your daily routine without experiencing its earthy taste.

So you want to know how to cook with cannabis to make your foods? Every beginner should know a five-step checklist before stepping into the kitchen.

Ready? Let’s dive below:

Choose The Right Cooking Cannabis Strain Or Flower:

The most crucial thing to consider if you are planning is to use the high-quality and right cannabis flower in your infusion. Many cannabis flowers have a strong aroma that gives off a foul odor. Before cooking, you need to know which hemp you are cooking. Considering the smell, it is straightforward to find the right one. Let your nose lead you to the strain aroma of cannabis that appeals to you the most. From bright fruit flavors to earthy herb stems, there are many beautiful flavors of California’s best cannabis flower brands to explore! The more pleasant the aroma, the more you will enjoy the dish.

Decarb the Premium Cannabis Flower:

Secondly, never put any CBD product, whether it is flowers or oils, or tinctures, on direct heat. Direct heat destroys all nutrients, and terpenes, and you will not get the benefit you are looking for. Always, always, always decarboxylate (commonly called decarb) before you start baking!

Decarb Process of Cannabis Flower:

  • Take fresh cannabis flower, grind your flower into a fine powder, or place it on parchment paper
  • Wrap them and start with about 20-25 minutes of baking
  • Keep it until the cannabis flower is a darker but still green shade.

The primary reason for decarbing cannabis flowers is that the unripe flower has an additional carboxyl ring, COOH, attached to its chain. Decarboxylation destroys this carboxyl and releases carbon dioxide. As a result, it gives you pure bud for cooking infusion.

Find A Recipe: 

When it comes to premium cannabis flower recipes, there are many options that you can choose from. But if you are trying it for the first time, I think you should choose the one you like the most. Do you prefer sweet, salty, spicy, sour, or some kind of combination? It’s the perfect way to make cooking with cannabis sound even more delicious.

Some of the most popular recipes for cooking with cannabis include:

  • Brownies
  • Cannaoil Vinaigrette
  • Cannabis-Infused BBQ Condiments
  • Pineapple Express Upside Down Cake
  • Cannabis Mac and Cheese
  • Minty and Refreshing Drink:
  • CBD Summer Salad:
  • CBD-infused Parmesan Mashed Potatoes
  • Strawberry CBD Smoothie:
  • Pesto Pasta with Spicy Shrimp:

Note* No matter what to cook with cannabis flowers, use low doses. If you feel ok, you can increase the dose the next time. Some house plant species are pretty strong and may cause an adverse reaction if infected with buds.

Choose your ingredient wisely:

Now that you’re considering a cannabis recipe, it’s time to choose which ingredients will go best with the dish. As mentioned above, some house plant species are pretty strong and can cause an adverse reaction if combined with buds. Hence, it is highly recommended that you choose a limited number of products and only use plant-based ingredients. Over time, you’ll learn which strains pair best with flavors and vice versa.

Do’s and Don’ts:

While cooking with cannabis flower, there are some fundamental rules that you should follow:


  • If you want to mash cannabis flowers in any recipe, use high-quality butter.
  • Cook bud for one hour only.
  • Choose quality flowers that provide your desired effect
  • Place cannabis mashed butter into the refrigerator.


  • Skip decarboxylation
  • Overcook cannabis flower-infused butter or oil
  • Rush the process

Top Easy ways to add Cannabis flower into your food items:

  • Sprinkle Ground Bud Powder Over Salads as a Seasoning
  • Use cannabutter or cannabis
  • Baking in cookies
  • Grind with other fruits and enjoy smoothies
  • Add to your morning coffee or green tea 
  • Add in sandwiches with tomatoes, cucumber, lemon, olive oil, mushrooms, basil, garlic, and vinegar
  • Adding raw cannabis makes salsa even healthier. Simply sprinkle and crush on other vegetables.

Where to Buy High-Quality Premium Cannabis Flowers?

Whether you are consuming it with food or any other way, you must buy the best cannabis flower brands in California. GRAFF is a one-stop destination to buy 100% pure and the best cannabis flower. All cannabis flowers are made in state-of-the-art laboratories, handcrafted, and handpicked. So, what are you waiting for? Order now and enjoy the delicious cannabis recipes at your home. 

Enjoy a healthy cannabis infusion today