Many women know if they are pregnant or not by the presence of a few telltale signs. Should your body display signs of pregnancy, it might be advisable for you to take a test or visit your doctor to confirm if you are indeed pregnant or not. It is also advisable to talk to a physician in advance if you are planning a pregnancy.
Many couples today choose to use a home pregnancy kit as their primary means of confirmation. However, it’s important to understand that inaccurate results can be given by such tests, even after just one day from your first missed period. Therefore its good practice to take a test at least a week after missing your period, just to be sure.
Common indicators of pregnancy include:
- Delayed period
- Feeling tired and exhausted
- Urinating more frequently than usual
- Feeling nauseous during the day
- Sensitivity to smells and tastes
- Uncontrolled vomiting
Positive pregnancy tests performed at home may not be adequate confirmation of a pregnancy, and for this reason many medical experts advise a clinical visit with a test performed by a professional in order to truly confirm a pregnancy.
Once a doctor has taken a test (or possibly two), to confirm your pregnancy, a medical expert will then explain a list of precautions for you and some lifestyle changes they recommend you to make. These may include dietary changes and some general do’s and don’ts, as well as some foods and substances to avoid.
You can obtain an accurate pregnancy test from the medical team at London Testing. London Testing is one of the UK’s most respected medical test centres and they offer a wide range of services for both individuals and corporations alike. As well as pregnancy tests, London Testing also offer covid testing, blood sampling, thyroid function tests, and more besides.
London Testing’s team of trained technicians offer a safe and relaxed environment that ensures a positive patient experience, every time.