Only a farmer knows what a whole day on the farm feels like. Tasks such as separating, reaping, and threshing the corn grain are performed by a bunch of heavy tools, lots of people, effort, and time. Coming to the present times, agricultural machinery has come a long way in helping farmers.

Major credit should be given to the combine farm equipment that has cut the long hours of doing separate tasks at the farm. One single piece of equipment performs all the tasks like threshing, separating, and reaping.

It is the one who flipped the whole game of agriculture around on good terms. This gigantic automatic machine precisely harvests a range of grain crops and doesn’t allow any incompetence or incapacitation. A combine harvester can be called efficient agricultural machinery, keeping in mind its versatility.

What gave rise to combine harvester?

The monstrous and gigantic machine we see now came as a simple design in 1826 in the creative mind of Patrick Bell. Accordingly, in 1835 Hiram Moore of the US created the first combine farm machine pulled by ox teams, horses, or mules. After a number of eptiomes, blueprints, and designs, the versatile machine we see in present times came.

Operation of combine harvester

It comprises around 21 parts that include unloading pipe, wheels, header, sieves, reel, grain tank, cutter bar, rotating blades, auger, belts, conveyors, and layers. This agricultural machinery can thresh, harvest, and winnow crops like barley, rice, soybeans, corn, flax, wheat, pulses, and sunflower.

All of these crops are semi-edible, so the inedible parts are eliminated along with their stalks. Earlier, there was different machinery for each task. Finally, the combine harvester came saying goodbye to tools like reaper, scythe, and sickle.

Cereal crops are gathered by the header on the front and then sent by the pickup reel to the cutter bar. The Cutter bar cuts down the crops and gathers them to the revolving reel. Going from conveyer to threshing section, cut crops are broken and shaken until stalks get separated from grains. Unwanted stuff like stalks goes in the back of the machine. Whereas, the sieve collects the grains in a collecting tank. Stalks and unwanted stuff are then later thrown into a wide land or where they were harvested.

Use of combine harvester

It reduces the use of manpower and increases productivity. Crops wide patches can be harvested easily and efficiently. The different removal combines and heads make harvesting a variety of crops easy.

Modern versions of combine farm equipment gently treat fragile seeds that earlier machines often destroyed.

Cleaner grain production, crop quality maintenance, crop loss reduction, and reduced work costs have made several farmers think about investing in a combine harvester.

Different versions of this machinery are available; all kinds of crops can be harvested, despite their different sizes. Thus the whole process becomes labor-intensive.

Conditions to check

Before investing in a good quality combine harvester, certain conditions need to be checked first:

● Crop cutting height

● Field condition

● Moisture content

● Crop condition

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