Do you want to keep the leftovers fresh? If yes, you must purchase plastic food storage containers right away. Cleaning them can be challenging especially if they have been in your refrigerator for a prolonged period. Mentioned below are a few tricks you may implement to get rid of the stains, odours, and greases. Please check them out now.


The experts offering high-quality food containers South Africa said make sure there is not a tiny bit of food left inside. Rinse the container thoroughly using lukewarm water. Shake and drain the water and place the container on top of the kitchen counter. If there is dry or sticky residue, please wipe the container with a paper towel.

For better outcomes, the experts selling storage bins South Africa said one must use only pure white vinegar. If most of the marks are concentrated at the bottom, one has to add an inch. If the marks reach up to the sides, fill the vinegar to the top. Place the lid back so that the vinegar does not spill.

Vinegar is powerful enough to make up a strong disinfectant and cleaner but not so powerful that it has to be cut with water. If one does not happen to have vinegar, use diluted hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol. The ingredients in these products generate a similar effect to vinegar.


When the vinegar is allowed to soak, its acidity will break down the discolouration and neutralize the persistent odors. It also clears away the stubborn water deposits from earlier washings. For heavy messes, leave the vinegar for an hour or so. Adding a dash of lemon juice can brighten the dull plastic.

Scrub the container using a stiff-bristled nylon brush and soft kitchen sponge. Avoid using something abrasive. A device such as pumice stone or steel wool can leave behind scratches.

The experts providing food containers South Africa said you must scrub either with a kitchen sponge or a nylon brush with stiff bristles. Do not use something abrasive. Steel wool or pumice stone can scratch the surface and compel the container to look unappealing.

Baking Soda

Sprinkle two spoons of baking soda into a cup of warm water. Mix the ingredients together. The consistency should be same as peanut butter. If the paste appears too thin, add a bit more baking soda. If the appears too thick, pour another cup of water. Baking soda is known for eliminating unwanted odors and stains.

Cover the entire container with the baking soda paste. The combination of baking soda and water will chip away the food particles stuck in the plastic. One must give the soda a few hours or else it would not show any effect. Rinse the container now with hot water. Dry it with absorbent towels.

Chlorine Bleach

Add one spoon of chlorine bleach in a cup of water. For safety, make sure to wear high-grade gloves all the time. Chlorine bleach is toxic and can cause rashes or burns if it somehow comes in contact with the skin. Let the container soak in bleach for two hours and then give it a thorough wash. Continue washing until there is no smell of the bleach.

The experts selling storage bins South Africa said implementing the tricks stated above help can turn even the dirtiest and smelliest plastic containers spick and span again. Now that’s amazing, right? One may keep perishables such as uncooked rice, coffee beans, dried herbs and spices, dried grains, etc. here.