People do clean their ears very often. But in fact, it is unnecessary. The wax produced by the ear is a mechanism to protect itself from foreign bodies like sand, dust and even insects. So, when we try to clean our ears, we use are causing us more harm than good. In this context, we will see some common methods that are being utilized widely to clean our ears.
Common Ear Cleaning Methods
Cotton Swabs/ Buds
The most popular Indian model of ear cleaning is not very healthy overall. The reason is that the tips inserted into the ear are large in size and they end up pushing the wax deeper down the canal. This ultimately leads to more being built up and will eventually become harder to remove in the future. Thus, it becomes impacted that will have to be removed by an ENT Doctor. Therefore, try not to use a cotton swab to clean your ears.
Ear picks
These are like small spoons that allows you to scoop out the earwax. They are inserted into the ear canal to scrape out the earwax. Even though this method does not push the earwax further down, it has a risk of affecting your extremely delicate ear canal structure. Moreover, these devices can easily pick up bacteria and hence if not cleaned correctly, inserting it into your ear can be very dangerous.
Ear Drops
They come in a variety of forms from the traditional ones seen in village areas to the ones in medical stores. They work with the wax differently. Although they are capable of removing ear was, the process is different. Ear drops tend to dissolve the wax, making it smaller and softer so that it can fall out naturally. However, if the dropper is not cleaned it can lead to infections. Moreover, the ear drops will increase the moisture in the ear canal and will increase the risk of developing ear infections.
The best solution would be to consult an Hearing clinic in pune to remove your earwax. They will do it professionally for you. It is very safe than all these alternatives. In case you want to clean your ears at home, simply wipe them with a damp cloth instead of inserting any objects into your ear. Do remember not to over-clean your ears too as it can disrupt your ear’s natural cleaning mechanism leading to dryness.