One of the most used body parts is the lower back. There can be many reasons why you may have pain in the lower back. Physiotherapy is a kind of treatment that can help you in getting rid of such pain.
It will ensure to restore your body as it was before the injury. Physiotherapists can use both passive and active forms of physical therapy to treat you according to the requirement of the patient. There are a few ways of each therapy at Orleans Physiotherapy that can reduce the pain:
Passive Physiotherapy:
This therapy is used on the patients using different approaches to treat lower back pain. This method is used by physiotherapists to reduce muscle inflammation and muscle spasms.
Various methods can be used. Like:
Hot And Cold Therapy:
It is the most commonly used method. According to the requirement of the patient, the physiotherapists use a heat pack or ice massage. It helps in reducing inflammation and easing pain in the lower back. This method is effective during the early pain.
Applying Steroids:
Under this method, steroids are applied through the skin with the help of an electric current. It is a fast-acting and effective method that reduces inflammation in the lower back.
Tens Units:
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators (TENS) use a low electric current that helps in reducing the sensation of pain in the lower back.
This method uses heat and energy to cure the pain. It helps in speed healing of the lower back.
Active Physical Therapies
Active therapy requires the active participation of the patient for quicker recovery. It helps in strengthening and rehabilitating the spine. The various exercises that are included are:
It is the most common exercise and helps in solving various body issues. It is the best exercise to reduce chronic back pain. For better results, one needs to stretch all the parts of the body not only the back. Hamstring and glutes are generally recommended for the best results.
The reason for patients having acute or chronic lower back pain can be weak back and core. The physiotherapists may suggest to the patient many kinds of exercises according to the requirement. Dynamic Lumbar Stabilization is one of the most common forms of exercise.
Aerobic Conditioning:
Water therapy and cycling are suggested by physiotherapists for the long-term reduction of pain. These are low-impact aerobic conditioning.
Many people face the problem of pain in the lower back. So, you should not ignore your health condition and should visit a physiotherapist at Orthotics Ottawa if needed. You can also keep yourself fit by doing regular exercises like stretching and staying active. This will help you to stay fit and will ensure a strong and healthy spine.