Five Easy Ways to Birds Pest Control Melbourne
While everyone loves beautiful birds and having them around, there are also some birds that can cause problems. Although a bird’s nest shouldn’t be considered a nuisance pest in most cases, nests can block key areas of your home and transmit diseases to birds.
It is crucial to know what attracts nuisance birds and how to stop them from invading your home. Food sources in your home can attract pest birds like sparrows and robins.
Woodpeckers can also be found drilling into trees to catch woodpeckers and carpenter ants. Birds may also be attracted by pet food left out all day.
These DIY tips can help you keep the pest birds away if you don’t need to hire a Pest Control Melbourne service.
Important Tips for hiring Birds Pest Control Melbourne:
You can modify their habitats
If you don’t provide anything to attract birds, there will be fewer of them in your yard. Birds need fresh water to survive. You can make freshwater fountains or water features bird-proof by using salt water instead of freshwater. This will prevent birds from drinking from them. If you feed your birds outside, cover or remove their food and water dishes. To prevent contamination, pet food should be kept in sealed containers. Birds love to hide in grass or other landscaping when the weather is poor. Help reduce the amount of cover by mowing grass, trimming hedges and trees, and trimming shrubs and trees. If you notice the bird building its nest, hit it with the long stick to disturb it.
Aluminum foil
Aluminum foil is one of the most effective natural bird repellents. Aluminum foil can be used in many ways to keep birds away. If birds are a problem, you can place aluminum foil strips under the soil or around plants. Birds will avoid areas where they feel foil beneath their beaks. Hanging aluminum foil strips or shiny party streamers from high places around your garden and home is a great idea. The sun’s reflection can also cause irritation to their eyes so they are careful not to get too close to the shiny sand. If there are woodpeckers, a pie plate made from aluminum can be hung from the tree.
Fishing wire
You can use fishing wire to keep birds away from your pool. It can be hung anywhere you like: between trees, between the eaves, or from any high point. Birds don’t like being restricted in the air they fly, so they will look elsewhere to land. The clear fishing wire will not be visible from ground level so it won’t affect the beauty of your backyard. You can call an expert bird control Melbourne specialist if you don’t have the time. You may also require other services, such as Bird Nesting Melbourne and rodent control to eradicate their dangerous infestation.
Baking soda:
Sprinkle baking soda on their favorite perches, either in your patio or on the windowsills. Baking soda can irritate birds’ toes so they will avoid it. Double-sided duct tape can be used in place of baking soda.
Decoys for predatory animals
To scare away nuisance birds from your garden, your pool, or deck, you can purchase one or more predator decoys at your local hardware shop. The birds will be fooled by a rubber snake or plastic owl decoy as they fly overhead and stay away. Your decoys should be moved regularly or birds will start to recognize them as fakes.
Install more deterrents to stop birds nesting on your property. These deterrents may not be effective or may not be enough to prevent birds from nesting on your property. In such cases, you need to call a pest control Melbourne company that will assist you in safely removing the pest birds and implementing measures that will prevent them from returning.