A meeting in Turkey between Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, and his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba, ended with little progress appearing to have been made. In a news conference latterly, Reuters reports that Kuleba said that no progress was made on a ceasefire and that Lavrov didn’t commit to a philanthropic corridor in the south-eastern megacity of Mariupol, where Kuleba said the situation was most delicate. Lavrov also said that Russia would try noway again to be dependent on the west.

Russia-Ukraine war
Russia-Ukraine war

A philanthropic convoy trying to reach Mariupol on Thursday was forced to turn around owing to fighting, Reuters reports the Ukrainian deputy high minister as saying. An airstrike on a sanitarium in Mariupol on Wednesday killed three people, including a child, the megacity council said on Thursday, reports the Associated Press. The attack wounded 17 people in the besieged harborage megacity, including pregnant women, croakers and children.

Ukraine opened seven philanthropic corridors, including the one from Mariupol, according to the country’s deputy high minister. The governor of Sumy said three columns of expatriates were leaving after a ceasefire was agreed.



The UK’s home clerk has pledged to streamline the online visa operation system for Ukrainians following review of her response to the extremity. Priti Patel said that from Tuesday, Ukrainian deportees would no longer have to go to a visa operation centre to give their biometrics before coming to the UK.

The USvice-president, Kamala Harris, says she’ll bandy issues with Poland that will force Russia to pay a price for its irruption on Ukraine, reports Reuters. During a visit to Warsaw on Thursday, she also said that Poland was doing “ extraordinary work” to help Ukrainian deportees.

Further than2.3 million people have fled Ukraine since the launch of the Russian irruption two weeks agone, the UN said on Thursday. The UN migration agency said that of those who had been forced to take retreat in neighbouring countries, people are third- country citizens.

The UK has firmed the means of seven Russian businessmen including Roman Abramovich, Igor Sechin, Oleg Deripaska and Dmitri Lebedev after they were added to the country’s warrants list, reports Reuters. Abramovich is the proprietor of Chelsea Football Club, Deripaska has stakes in En Group, Sechin is the principal superintendent of Rosneft and Lebedev is president of the board of directors of Bank Rossiya.

Russia’s foreign ministry has said Moscow will no longer share in the Council of Europe, the mainland’s leading mortal rights organisation innovated in response to the philanthropic dises of the alternate world war.


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