The CSGO Prime Account is a way for newbies to get started in competitive gaming. The player’s rank or “sub-rank” as they’re referred to on the site are placed under Silver Rank and have 6 sub rankings such as prime accounts which can be obtained after achieving independence through winning matches without any assists (a feat only achievable by playing 1500 rounds).

The CSGO Prime Account Rank is a way for beginners to learn the game and understand its mechanics. The player’s rank in this system, Silver or lower depending on how new they are will determine what division their matches up with other players within that category. The players are placed under the Silver Rank. Silver Prime account has further 6 sub ranks such as

  • SILVER 1

  • SILVER 2

  • SIlVER 3

  • SILVER 4



Some features of these accounts:

SILVER 1: The lowest level in the prime account. It is attainable by playing 500 rounds.

SILVER 2: This rank is awarded after playing 750 rounds.

SILVER 3: The silver account gets attained by playing 1000 rounds.

SILVER 4: The player achieves this rank by playing 1250 games.

SILVER ELITE: Silver 1 to Silver Elite is the lowest prime rank. The player achieves this rank by playing 1500 games.

SILVER ELITE MASTER “: Silver Elite to Silver Elite Master is the second prime rank. The player achieves this rank by playing 1750 games.

There’s much more about the prime account system which can be found on the following link :

Every CSGO Silver Prime Account Package Includes:

– 1 x Steam Account which includes:

  1. Steam Username

  2. Steam Password

  3. Original Email (Email which was used to create CSGO Silver Prime Account)

  4. Email Password

– 1 x Counter-Strike: Global Offensive added in the steam account

All accounts are delivered instantly. If you’re having any issues with your order please contact us via Live Chat or through your registered email.

Why prefer to buy CS: GO Silver Prime Account?

To get started with competitive CSGO there is no better place than the Silver Prime Account. The silver prime account which is also known as the silver elite master account is the second-lowest prime account in CSGO. Its level increases with its rank which is attained by playing a particular number of games.

To get started with competitive CSGO, silver prime accounts can be of great help as they offer the players with following advantages:

There is no such age limit for the silver prime account. Players can get access to quick matchmaking which is full of new players and friends with the silver prime account. Silver prime accounts also allow the player to take part in different leagues, tournaments, and ladders.

Crosty silver prime account offers you an opportunity to play against strong players which enables you to raise your rank. You can improve your skill with time and experience by playing against strong players.

By getting a silver prime account you can access all kinds of leagues, tournaments, and ladders which also helps the players to raise their rank.

Silver prime accounts can be accessed worldwide without any geographic restrictions. So if you have a particular region where you want to play then a silver prime account can help you gain access to that region without any issues.

By getting silver prime account you can enjoy all kinds of game modes that are present in the CSGO silver prime account package. You can play games with all weapons which are unlocked.

Buying Silver Prime Account guarantees Trusted Accounts. All accounts are created manually so they are 100% non-bannable. We don’t use any third-party software to create accounts to ensure better security and a high success rate.


If you are looking for the best CSGO silver prime account which is clean and trusted then our product is the best choice for you. Our prices are affordable and the services are fast and instant. Our live chat support is always ready to help you round the clock. Hurry up! Get your CSGO silver prime account now.