Even though the gas fireplace burns cleanly with no smoke, cinders or wood ash are left behind. There are no sooty chimneys to clear out gas fireplaces. The gas fireplace requires regular maintenance and services to function properly and extend their lives.
Gas Fireplace Maintenance cost in Ottawa is a do-it-yourself project for people comfortable working with natural gas. If you’re unsure about working with a natural gas line, hire a fireplace service.
Cleaning out a gas fireplace is easier than cleaning out a wood fireplace. Allow yourself roughly an hour to complete the project if you go the DIY way. The processes for servicing a gas fireplace are as follows.
Look for cracks in the glass
Vinegar in a spray bottle, fireplace glass cleaner, or another non-ammonia cleaning agent can be used to clean the glass.
Check the glass for any Cracks
Wipe down the door trim and look for any loose or cracked glass that could allow air to enter your property. Gasket seals on glass doors should be tested to ensure airtightly. If not, use gasket cement or silicone caulk to reinstall them. They’ll have to be replaced if they can’t be repaired.
Examine the exterior
Ensure the device is properly installed and the fireplace framework is free of gaps or cracks.
Examine the logs
No, those ceramic or cement logs in a gas fireplace aren’t genuine, but they can decay with time. Their colour will usually begin to fade. The good news is that they can be replaced without replacing the entire fireplace.
Interiors should be vacuumed
Dust bunnies, dead bugs, and cat hair may all collect in your gas fireplace, so now is the time to clean it out.
Carbon monoxide detectors should be checked
Carbon monoxide monitors should be tested as part of regular fireplace servicing. Install a carbon monoxide detector near your fireplace if you don’t already have one.
Examine the gas ignition system
Ensure the inside gas ignition works properly by testing it under the logs. Turn off the gas and carefully rub all of the valves and ports beneath and between the logs with a wad of steel wool or a piece of fine-grit sandpaper. Make sure there are no gas leaks. The smell is a dead giveaway, but if you’re still not sure, run some water mixed with dish detergent through the lines, valves, and ports and look for bubbles, which are a sure sign of a leak.
Examine the chimney
For a gas fireplace, you don’t need a Mary Poppins-style chimney sweep, but you should inspect the external chimney structure as well as the interior walls in front of and around the chimney. Condensation is the most serious threat to a gas fireplace’s chimney. A weakened chimney will have damp walls, ceiling stains, and white scars on the outside stonework (called efflorescence). It’s time to call in the professionals if you haven’t already.
If you’re searching for Gas Fireplace Maintenance in Ottawa, CLICK HERE.
Robert Morgan is the author of this article. For more details about Best place to buy air conditioner please visit our website: airzonehvac.ca