Have you ever thought that you are too much available for others and you don’t even know what is going inside you? Sometimes we help other people find an escape from facing reality, our reality. Can you relate to it? If yes, then maybe you have never been near self-acceptance or have never availed of self-pleasure benefits.  

When it comes to happiness, we look for it in other people. We are always forgiving toward other people and most punishing toward ourselves. That’s why we never enjoy the self-pleasure benefits that we deserve. No matter how hard we try to do good in life, a failure is enough to sulk, but sometimes I think, is it too difficult to accept ourselves the way we are? To accept ourselves with all the flaws and appreciate ourselves might sound off to you because no one did this to us, so even we never considered doing the same to ourselves but to live a better and more content life then self-acceptance is the key, and if you are no way near to that but want to accept yourself the way you are then this blog is for you in which we will talk about how self-acceptance is way to getting self-pleasure benefits.  

One of the most important things we can do to improve our physical and emotional health, relationships, and even our careers, is to love and accept ourselves truly.  

If we don’t love ourselves or are self-critical, we flood our system with negative energy. This ultimately weakens our immune system and leads to disease.  

Paradoxically, when we are most unhappy with ourselves, we criticize and blame others. If we find ourselves fighting with our spouse or preying on children, chances are we have slipped into our own negative situation and are trying to shift the responsibility for our unhappiness onto others.  

Think about it. Do you only love the perfect friends and family? Probably not, because no one is perfect. We don’t have to be perfect to love ourselves. You are more likely to ignore perceived flaws or weaknesses in other people and love or love them as they are.  

Imagine treating yourself like you would a best friend. If you did this, you would build yourself up instead of destroying yourself; you would love and accept yourself unconditionally, you would be warm, and you would accept yourself. This is what we have to do for ourselves.  

Often, we don’t realize how many negative messages we give ourselves. When people list all the negative thoughts, they have about themselves, they’re usually shocked at how many there are. Most agree that they are psychologically abusing themselves. We know that abused people often mistreat others in turn. We create a vicious cycle that affects those around us by rejecting ourselves.  

To create a more positive world around us, we must first make our inner world as positive as possible. It’s up to us to do it ourselves, and it’s never too late to start.  

When we are in peace with ourselves, then only we become capable of loving other people unconditionally. And self-acceptance doesn’t mean living an average life by accepting this is who I am, and this is the way I live; rather, self-acceptance actually means acknowledging your failures, your achievements, and being self-aware about yourself. You should not feel ashamed of your choices, and you should not hesitate to show your authentic self to the world. Once to accept yourself, people’s absence will not bother you the way it did before. Because you will be complete with yourself and do, you know the fun fact is people usually get attracted to content people, and you never know in this quest you meet a good partner, and then you can kick start your beautiful love story that you have always dreamt of.  


Self-acceptance is the key to leading a fulfilled life, so keep your insecurities aside and accept yourself the way you are because there is nothing better than self-pleasure in life.