Thousands of accidents occur on Ontario’s roads every year. Bad weather, traffic congestion, driver inattention, and traffic violations lead to dire consequences. According to statistics, more than a thousand residents of the province are killed and injured every year. Unsurprisingly, the Ontario government is tightening legislation and introducing new penalties for traffic offenders. The Ontario Demerit Point System is highly effective against hard-core delinquents. Still, drivers are intimidated by traffic tickets offenses. High fines, demerit points, and driver’s licence suspension sober up many drivers who are trying to comply with the rules of the road.
However, fines and penalties alone are not enough to minimize the number of accidents. After all, even a law-abiding driver can be distracted while driving and provoke an accident. Today, it is distracted drivers that are the main culprits in traffic violations and accidents in the province. New, inexperienced drivers do not understand the dangers of talking on the phone or drinking while driving. In such a situation, a person loses control over the road and doesn’t have time to react to unexpected situations. Especially if the road itself is difficult and has dangerous sections.
Therefore, the Ontario authorities decided to change the approach to road safety. They developed a plan to introduce modern technologies to organize and control traffic on all roads in the province. This will fundamentally change the situation, especially in the major cities of Ontario. The number of cars is growing here every year. And the roads can no longer cope with the number of new vehicles. The Ontario government is proposing five actions to improve road safety. This is the introduction of smart traffic lights, smart intersections, and Advanced Transit Signal Priority (ATSP) technology. In addition, they will continue to develop the Construction Hub and Smart Commute programs.
According to experts, the implementation of this plan will significantly improve road safety and reduce the number of accidents. Thus, not only will the driver be responsible for the situation on the roads of the province, but also modern digital technologies.