- Five reasons to buy organic baby products by AloeMaa
- Pesticides can disrupt your baby’s delicate hormonal system!
- Pesticides can cause brain damage in infants. No, seriously!
- When you buy organic items, you’re helping to support environmentally friendly farming techniques. You are keeping toxic pesticides out of our soil, water and air!! By doing this, you are helping to create a healthy planet for all future generations! That is huge!
- Phthalates may be linked with reproductive abnormalities in male babies including cryptorchidism (undescended testicles), hypospadias (birth defect where opening of urethra is on underside rather than tip of penis) and reduced anogenital distancethe distance between the anus and the genitals. A probable association between this abnormality and an increased risk of testicular cancer later in life has been discovered in several research.
Phthalates are everywhere – food, personal care products, medical supplies, toys, skin cream, perfume, even some medications! Babies can be exposed through breast milk or formula but also just by crawling on the carpet where phthalates from mommies shoes have leached into the fibers!
By purchasing organic you are creating a demand for farms who do not use pesticides so hopefully these practices will become mainstream. But read those labels!!! Look for “no phthalate softeners” or any ingredients ending with “phthalate”. Also try to avoid buying PVC (look at it closely- it usually has waves or wrinkles in it), nail polish, and scented items.
Most importantly- tell others to read those labels! If you see a label that says “no phthalates added” then there are probably phthalates in the product already!!
This is because companies can use ANY oil they want to make their products softer (or scented) but each oil has different degrees of vulnerability to having phthalates leached into them.
Companies automatically select the cheapest oils (because we buy cheap stuff!) which are often soy, corn & cottonseed oils. So if you read that label and find out there are added phthalates then send the company an email letting them know what you think about this I wanted to name some companies that DO care about their customers and DO make phthalate-free products.
Aloe Maa is offering the best natural Best Body Wash For Babies in India, best baby cream for face in India and best oil for baby hair growth. We are committed to delivering natural, organic and chemical free products. Our wide range of products use the purest form of Aloe gel as a base. To place your order you can contact us or call on this number +91 99589 84543. Our team will get in touch with you for your requirement for baby care products online!