Your vehicle was involved in an accident with an uninsured car. Are you entitled to compensation? Who pays?

You may have an accident with an uninsured car. Whether it’s someone else’s vehicle or your own, here is who pays for the damage caused to third parties and how.

Accident with a car without insurance: the Fund for victims of the road

You had an accident with your car, unfortunately. And the vehicle responsible for the accident was later discovered to have no motor liability insurance of capital one.

In this case, however, you are entitled to compensation for damages and this will be provided by the Road Victims Fund, a public fund managed by Consap.

But what happens to the person responsible for the accident?

The Fund for victims of the road, once the subjects who have suffered damages without fault in the accident have been compensated, has 10 years to retaliate against the person responsible for the accident.

So if you are the one who caused the accident and are free of car liability, you should know that you can be called to pay compensation for the damage caused out of your pocket. Car insurance is used for this, not to affect your assets in the event of an accident with damage to things and people.

If then all the cars involved in the accident are without insurance, whoever is not responsible is still entitled to compensation from the Fund. So if you do not have insurance but are not responsible for the accident, you are entitled to compensation:

  • from the Road Victims Fund if the vehicle of the person responsible is not covered by insurance;
  • by the insurance company of the person who caused the accident, if the vehicle that caused it is insured.

Accident with a car without insurance: the consequences for the person responsible

As mentioned, if your car is not insured and you have caused an accident, you risk paying out of your pocket the compensation for damage caused to things and people.

In addition to this you must remember that driving without car liability or with expired insurance involves a series of penalties provided for by the Highway Code:

  • fine from € 866 to € 3,464;
  • if you commit the same infringement twice in two years, the fine doubles and goes from € 1,732 to € 6,928;
  • seizure of the car until the stipulation of the insurance policy lasting at least 6 months;
  • confiscation of the car if fine and transport charges are not paid, and custody of the seized vehicle.