Mobile Digital Advertising is Affordable and Effective

Mobile digital billboard advertising is effective and offers an efficient and affordable way to spread your message. Whether you’re selling a product, promoting an event, or campaigning for change, a mobile billboard Orlando is the breakthrough vehicle you need.

According to a recent study, “57 percent of respondents highly engaged with mobile digital billboards (e.g. those on moving cars, or trucks), meaning that they looked at, and noticed the mobile digital billboards most or all of the time. At the same time, street-level digital advertising caught the attention of 52 percent of the respondents.”

Increase Sales with Effective Billboard Advertising

Mobile digital billboards have a 97% message recall rate, much better than stationary billboards or internet ads. More than two-thirds of viewers engaged in actions after seeing a digital mobile billboard ad, such as searching for an advertiser or visiting their website, visiting the store or restaurant, and visiting or posting to social media.

According to a Nielson study, billboard advertising results in more online spending than other media platforms. Research shows that two-thirds of smartphone users engaged in online shopping-related activities after seeing an outdoor ad.

It pays for small businesses to use Digital Advertising Trucks in Orlando. Even with a small advertising budget, you can reach more customers at a low cost. Our DAT will work with you to customize an advertising plan that fits your needs at a price you can afford.

 Mobil Digital Advertising Works for any Size Business

According to a Product Acceptance and Research report, mobile billboards increase sales by more than 50% over traditional stationary outdoor billboards. It’s easy to keep track of your advertising ROI, so you know your media dollars are being well-spent. A marketing campaign with a Digital Advertising Truck is more cost-effective than print ads or running commercials on television or radio.

Mobile digital billboards are more effective than online ads because adblocking is impossible. When a dazzling, colorful, 12-foot TV screen rolls by, you can’t miss it. You can’t turn the page, and you can’t swipe it away as if it were a message on your cell phone. It draws your eye and gets the message through. Mobile digital billboard advertising works for Orlando.

Get your media campaign on the road today. Call DAT at 407-800-1418 or email to get your message moving in the right direction.