Adidas is one of the most renowned brands in the world. Shoppers are searching for Adidas every day. Google has recorded around 52.2 million searches related to the brand in six months alone (data collected from 1 June 2021 to 30 November 2021). Our Product Intelligence Solution on Adidas products found opportunities for retailers to potentially increase sales by strategically changing prices based on the day of the week.
To win market share for this in-demand brand, sellers need to formulate pricing strategies backed by the product’s retail price matched between the competitors on a variant level. There were around 2.4 million price changes recorded in the documented six months on more than 36,000 Adidas products. Therefore, it is useful to analyze which day has been the most competitive in terms of price and online search demand for Adidas on Amazon.
Price Change Percentages by Day of the Week
According to our retail pricing data analysis, Thursday is the best day to buy Adidas products on Amazon, with a 16.3% price change. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday follow closely behind with 16.2%, 16.1% and 16.0% respectively. Sundays and Saturdays fall far behind with recorded price changes of 11.1% and 11.5%.
Percentage of Lowered and Raised Prices by Day of the Week
Analyzing daily reprices by sellers, we found 61.5% were lowered prices while 38.5% were raised. When we further analyze this competitive data, we see that Wednesday, with 10.5% of total lowered price changes is the day when more sellers are reducing their prices followed by Thursday with 10.4%. Tuesday and Friday also trail close behind with 9.9% and 9.8% of price lowered. Similarly, Tuesday has the most prices raised for Adidas shoes on Amazon with 6.3%, followed by Friday (6.1%), Thursday (5.8%), and Wednesday (5.6%).
The overall analysis shows that with 77.4% of total price changes, weekdays have been Amazon sellers’ preferred days to make changes to the price of Adidas products. Sundays and Saturdays have lesser price changes at just 22.6%.
Percentage of Google Searches by Day of the Week
Now, let’s compare price changes with an online demand analysis of Adidas based on Google search trends in a six-month window from June 2019 to December 2019. As shown in the graph below, with 16.1% of total searches, Saturday has the most searches followed by Sunday with 15.5%. Wednesday has the lowest number of searches recorded with 12.9%.
What does Ad Intelligence suggest?
Ad Intelligence suggests that the data analysis shows Tuesday (16.2%) and Thursday (16.3%) are currently the most price-competitive days for Adidas on Amazon, but consumers are searching for the brand mostly on Saturdays and Sundays. Therefore, retailers should reprice products on Saturdays & Sundays to capture the online search volume on those days.