ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), is a psychic disorder in children. As the name suggests, children with this syndrome are not able to pay proper attention towards anything, and are usually overly active in daily matters. Modalert 200milligram pills can help children fight this disorder in the best way possible.
You should always know that ADHD is not always about affecting the children. Some adults are also prone to this disorder. Studies show that almost 4% adults in USA also have ADHD. This is most likely that they had already developed it in childhood and may carried it undiagnosed into later age.
Below are mentioned some causes and symptoms, to help you manage it wisely.
Causes of ADHD:
It has been discovered after many researches that ADHD tends to run in families and in most cases, it is thought in most of the cases that genes from parents are a significant factor in developing the condition. Research shows that children who have a sibling or parent with this disorder are more likely to have it themselves.
Another leading cause for ADHD can be brain anatomy, its structure and function. Lower activity level has been found in some areas of brain, with children suffering from ADHD. Some serious head injuries may also cause this condition to appear in children.
Whatever the case may be, you should instantly consult health physician. Who will then prescribe you with Modalert pills for ADHD.
The link between Anxiety and ADHD:
It is often the case that ADHD co-occurs with some other mental disorders. These can be behavioral problems, learning and anxiety. Among all these disorders, anxiety is most likely to occur with ADHD. This combination proves to be an extra challenge for children as well as parents.
Therefore, it is important for healthcare providers to test every child with ADHD, for other disorders and problems. Some examples of anxiety disorders for children having ADHD are:
- Separation anxiety: tend to be very scared whenever they are away from home
- Social anxiety: being afraid of meeting people outside their home
- General anxiety: being very worried about bad things happening to them