Hi Friends! Hope you are doing well. Today, I’ll cover the details of the Introduction to 1N5402 Rectifier.
A diode is a semiconductor device that only enables current to flow in one direction. The current must always flow from the anode to the cathode. A grey bar can be used to identify the cathode terminal.
Because of its high forward current and reverse voltage, the 1N5402 is a power diode with a power dissipation of 6.25W. The maximum current carrying capacity of the 1N5402 Diode is 3A, and it can endure peaks of up to 200A. As a result, we can use it in circuits with current ratings of less than 3A. The reverse current is minimal at 10uA. Because these diodes have a long recovery period, they are being phased out of current circuits in favor of more advanced diodes.