We are all about accentuating our features and choosing accessories that flatter your face shape, can do exactly that! So here are ten tips that will help you choose your treasure troves so you can look your absolute best!


  1. Perfect Size – This is also a really good time to figure out the sizes that you like to wear, so this can run the gamut from the necklace length to your ring size down to your bracelet size and this is all helpful because it helps point you in the right direction and then again ensure that you’re picking jewelry that is going to go very worn in your wardrobe and not be neglected. This is easy to do because you can take a tape measure and measure the length of the necklace and see kind of where things lay on you or measure the length of a necklace that you already have that you love and then not be afraid to search indefinitely until you find something perfect.
  2. Heart-Shaped Face – If your cheekbones and hair are about the same size as the forehead that is visible towards the lower chin, then you have a heart-shaped face. To fill in the blanks near the chin area look for long and small earrings at the top with rounded bottoms. Earrings have amazing features around the chin area like gemstones and ornaments that help compensate for a narrow chin area that balances your silhouette. The collar bones around the chin are full of short necklaces as they help to fill the space just around the jaw.
  3. Strong square jawline – face where the forehead and cheeks are the same widths, this facial shape also has a strong skeletal structure with straight edges. Find multi-story earrings and large hooks that brush the jaw and add softness to the solid square jaw. Avoid very wide earrings as they end up highlighting the sharp corners of the face.
  4. Oval-Shaped Face – Long or V-shaped necklaces will give you a balanced look while wearing bulky or wide items that can end up exaggerating the roundness of the face. This will help increase the length of your face. Although the cheekbones are the most prominent feature of those with an oval face, this type of face is longer than its width and extends from the forehead to the chin. Choker necklaces are great for adding emphasis to those with an oval face and long necks while open link chains will help compliment the soft curves of your face.
  5. Necklaces – A delicate necklace may be with either a locket or just a delicate jewel gemstone, some kind of emblem that means something to you is always beautiful. Necklaces tend to come in around 16 or 18-inch lengths and also with earring thickness. You’re looking at things like studs or hoops the width of them is almost as important as the overall length of them, so take time to figure all of this out and not be afraid to truly customize this for you because that’s so fun.
  6. Earrings – If your full face is reflected in round hair, jaw, and even round cheeks, you have a round face. Since the outline of your face is round, the trick here is to choose resources with straight lines that can add a certain angular definition to the face. Chandeliers, teardrops, and long hanging earrings are ideal. As well as being beautiful, and they give the illusion of a long and thin face. Long vertical drops and small oval earrings accentuate the facial contours while rounding ones will help to extend small bits.
  7. Versatile always timeless – jewelry piece that looks fantastic on everyone is basic earring studs. Hoops look wonderful on every single person because you can get them in different sizes and thicknesses to suit you. Delicate rings always look fantastic and also a simple bracelet whether that’s a bangle or something with some gemstones or a little design always looks beautiful and you really can’t go wrong in this preferences category where you’re trying to figure out what you like to wear and why you like to wear it and the things that complement your style.
  8. Heirloom jewelry or antique jewelry – this kind of goes in line with vintage jewelry. But it’s a step up because you can find the most amazing pieces and vintage jewelry and of course, heirloom pieces may be something that’s been handed down to you is such a beautiful thing to have in your jewelry collection because it’s unique and sets your collection. This antique jewelry, specifically these seal fobs and is just the most amazing thing you can find engraved. Sometimes engraved with things that have meaning to you already and in the most beautiful stones and intricate designs. Consider adding something like that to your wardrobe.
  9. Mix and layer jewelry – it would be great for things that are simple and chic and structured and timeless and just honestly then adding jewelry on top of it helps to mix and match jewelry to any style. The basic style is that the jewelry shines from that it makes the outfit look more expensive by having just a blank palette underneath and then layering on your tasteful jewelry something that expresses your personality.
  10. Personal touch – when it comes to your jewelry, custom-tailored are most favorable and things that are chosen specifically for you and made to represent you. Like you know, that’s my favorite part about personal style and expression.



While it is important to have your unique styles in place, knowing what suits you can make dressing up much more fun and shopping even easier. If you are looking for Jewellery Manufacturers New Zealand, the place offers the best of opportunities for you to explore and indulge in the beauty of the jewels.