Imagine you’re deadline to submit your assignment is tomorrow and you forgot about doing it on time. Did you have a study schedule by your side to help you remember it? Would you have felt more accountable if you had made a study plan? Meeting deadlines is one of the most important things that you have to abide by in your university life.

One cannot make it up to the deadline without a proper study schedule. This is because the plan is important to help you develop a sense of accountability but it is not limited to just that. There are various benefits of making a study schedule which includes:

  • Increased productivity
  • Better Time management
  • Reduced stress
  • Higher grades

Get Good A Planner:

First and foremost, you need to get a planner for your study schedule. Now you can take any notebook and turn it into a planner or you can buy one. It is better to buy one instead of making one because it will save a lot of time. You can buy one which is illustrated in detail, from calendar boxes to time slots.

A much convenient way of planning your study schedule is to use digital planners because not only are they well illustrated, using them on your laptop and or smartphone is much more convenient. The digital planner also gives you reminders in form of alarms and notifications. This is something a university student will need more than a traditional planner.

Writing Down The Schedule:

You should first start with listing down everything that you have to do which includes your activities and the university-related activities. This is important to time management.

At times, students tend to leave the important task until the last minute which severely impacts the quality of their work and an entire grade. So once you start writing down the assignments you have to mention the deadline for submitting those assignments. Deal with them accordingly and make note of how much each priority will take out of your schedule.

Make it Realistically Flexible:

Once you start planning your schedule, it is easier to try and get ahead of yourself – overestimate or underestimate your capability of studying. So keep in mind that for a day typically, you should plan 8 to 10 hours in which you will work, study, socialize or do anything practical.

If you are a full-time student then you are expected to dedicate 35 hours a week to your studies and this includes attending your classes and seminars. If you spend around 15 hours learning with the help of a tutor then use the extra twenty hours for studying independently.

Also, keep in mind that some tasks will take longer than you plan them to be and is fine. Make sure to leave an open window that offers extra time in your schedule, just in case such a thing happens.

Include The Time Slot For Research:

Include The Time Slot For Research:

When it comes to planning their schedule one more thing that students forget is to consider the time required for the research of each assignment. Depending on how difficult the assignment is dedicate time to the research required. It can be anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour or more.

Allowing yourself to take some time in processing new information and planning how to use it will help avoid the requirement of re-reading and repeating any research. A way to effectively plan before researching is to make a list of everything you want to find out in your essay so that you can write notes below each subheading of the essay.

Maintain a Balance:

Student life is hectic – classes, lectures, search for assignment help, part-time jobs, etc. It is not all about education and will never be. So do not make your study schedule so packed up that you get no time to focus on your other priorities. Keep both your schedule and study schedule balanced.

Take Time Out For Reviewing:

You should schedule one day per week to review the work in each of your courses and to be sure that you are updated with all its content.
You remember the lessons best after the class but as time passes on, your memory will fade that is why reviewing study material at least once a week is important. It allows you to transfer new knowledge and skills from short-term memory to long-term memory.

How To Review Effectively?

  • Review the information right after you have learned it. Look through the material again and add more to your notes written beforehand.
  • Review often to enhance your learning skills.
  • Test Yourself – Every time you review something put it to the test. This will help reveal any gaps in your knowledge, identify the main areas that you need to focus on, and reinforce your learning. You can use review apps like Quizlet, which allows you to take quizzes on various topics and create a quiz of your own.
  • Rewrite your notes.

Deal With Procrastination:

As students you will be procrastinating a lot, this can delay your assignment submission. Most students procrastinate because they are tired, have anxiety that outweighs their motivation and motivation.
To avoid procrastination from turning up in your study sessions you have to be careful when planning your study schedule. It is better to divide your work into small chunks, take a few breaks and work in a space where there are little to no distractions. If you still face the problem then taking help from an assignment writing service will surely assist you in completing your assignment.

Bonus Tip:

It is alright if you cannot follow the study schedule religiously and it is acceptable for you to shuffle it at times. It is recommended to shuffle your study schedule once in a while as this will save you from fatigue and refresh you.


All the tips given to you are tried and tested. Make sure to follow these tips when you start planning your study schedule.